Family Conversations - How Parents Can Connect with Kids at Dinner
How 20 Questions Lead to Great Family Conversations with Kids

Family Conversations - How Amnesty Evenings Reveal Secrets

Family Conversations can reveal secrets if you're willing to have an 'Amnesty Evening.' Jeanette Kasper, a Conflict Expert, will share how her "Amnesty Evening" was created.

Family Conversations Jeanette Kasper 

Jeanette Kasper

"When the kids were young at dinner we would ask each person:

1. What was the best thing about your day?

2. What was the worst thing about your day?'

Each person got to talk until he/she was done. We always encouraged discussion.

My kids are 23, 19 and 16 now and discussions simply flow. We had an interesting discussion at my birthday dinner.

My oldest was relating all of his exploits and I asked the younger ones about their exploits.

They were reluctant to share until the oldest suggested we declare 'Amnesty Evening' -- nobody could get into trouble for sharing anything during the evening. I learned a lot about my kids and we had some great discussions.

Creating and encouraging discussions when they are young, giving them the time and respect to talk about themselves and their days, and as they grow, they continue to share and discuss."

Connect with Jeanette at 

Thank you, Jeanette.

'Anmesty Evening' invites parents to know what happened in the past or what's happening now. We've had similar revelations at our Sunday breakfasts. My kids loved sharing how they fooled their dad and me like riding bikes down a long steep hill without hands. They were kids then.

I learned that they could fool me even when I thought things were fine. Hopefully, lots of parents will have an 'Amnesty Free' Conversation with their children. Who knows what they'll learn.

Jeanette, you also made a great point about sharing and discussing when kids are young. As they grow up, they continue sharing and discussing. What a gift to teach our kids.

What Ideas do you have about conversations with kids?

Please comment in the comment link below. Don't forget to add your email so I can separately email you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.

 With warm wishes,

 Jean Tracy, MSS  website at

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