How 20 Questions Lead to Great Family Conversations with Kids
Games like 20 Questions can lead to great family conversations says our guest blogger, Catherine Mason, a Wellness Consultant. Here's Catherine's advice.
"Another "fun" way to initiate meaningful family discussions is with games. 20 Questions is a favorite in our household and it always seems to spur dialogue about definitions, preferences, expectations, assumptions and much more.
One of our rules is that every participant must be able to successfully guess the answer, which makes the game challenging yet age appropriate. And a great learning experience for everyone!"
Thank you, Catherine, many of us love family games. "20 Questions" enlivens dinners, car trips, family nights and more. You don't need paper, pencils, or board games.
You can connect with Catherine at
How to Play the Game "20 Questions:"
Goal: Try to answer the questioner with 20 questions or less.
The Questioner can start by asking, "Can you guess what I'm thinking of?"
4 Rules:
1.Participants must only ask questions that require a yes or no.
2. The questioner in charge must only answer yes, no, I don't know, or I can't answer that.
3. Members listen to the answers and build on what they hear.
4. The Questioner starts by asking: "Can you guess what I'm thinking of?"
Examples of Beginning Questions from the Members:
The first question from the members can be "Is it Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? The questioner can answer that one.
Then the participants can ask questions like the following that can only be answered with yes or no:
Is it red?
Is it bigger than a house?
Is is round?
Have I ever seen one?
Is it found in water?
Members each take a turn to ask the questioner with a question of their own. The members keep taking turns until they've reached 20 questions.
If the participants don't get the answer with 20 questions or less, the questioner can tell them what it was and take another turn.
Who ever gets it right can start a new round with, "Can you guess what I'm thinking of?"
And the game goes on.
One more thing: If your family is having fun, you're doing it right.
What Ideas do you have about conversations with kids?
Please comment in the comment link below. Don't forget to add your email so I can separately email you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.
With warm wishes,
Jean Tracy, MSS website at
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