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Family Conversations - How Parents Can Connect with Kids at Dinner

Connecting with kids at dinner creates a family bond that's hard to beat. Today we have two experts who discovered how to have great conversations with their kids. Let's hear their parenting tips.

  Family Conversations Linda Appleman Shapire

Linda Appleman Shapiro, a psychotherapist for over 25 years

"For starters, conversations depend on the age of your children. However, in general, I think that family dinners are very important times to share one's thoughts, feelings and experiences - and what better time than at dinner for parents to model the importance of communicating.

One of the best strategies I've found over the years (and I'm now a grandmother as well as a mother) is to open up conversation by sharing something about MY day. It's amazing how much easier it makes it for kids to open up once you've opened the door by doing so yourself.

And, I suppose, the kindest way to respond to whatever is shared in return is to meet the child where the child's at without lecturing, without judgment. Just use good, old-fashioned unconditional love and advice when asked for it."

Thank you, Linda.

Linda's  Parenting Tips for You Includes:

  • Modeling good communication.
  • Sharing parent's day first to encourage kids to share their day next
  • Starting the conversation according to our kids' age levels.
  • Avoiding judgmental talk and lectures with what kids share.
  • Giving unconditional love.

To connect with Linda go to

Robin Schafer Founder and Owner of Masterful Kids.

"I think that is so important to have interesting topics to talk with children about over a meal. I am a parent of three, and have found that asking about a child's particular passion helps.

My son loves history and is a member of the National U.N. in 10th grade. He loves when I ask him about this club and the topics they discuss.  Ask children what they learned in school."

Thank you, Robin.

Robin's parenting tips for you includes:

  • Create interesting topics to discuss.
  • Talk about children's passions and interests.
  • Discuss what your kids learned in school.

To contact Robin click on  

 What Ideas do you have about dinner conversations with kids?

Please comment in the comment link below. Don't forget to add your email so I can separately email you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.

 With warm wishes,

 Jean Tracy, MSS  website at

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