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Social Skills for Kids ~ Listen to Find Out What Makes Kids Popular!

Today Gerry Hughes, our guest blogger, shares how active listening is an important social skill and how kids can achieve it.

  Social Skills Blog Gerry Hughes

Gerry Hughes  Director, Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center ~ Sacramento, California Area

"We actually combine a very important classroom skill with an important social skill we call Active or Visual Listening.

This skill enables the student/person to 'turn off' their inner voice and listen with 100% focus to what the OTHER person is saying. "Aside from raising grades, good listening also makes you a good friend."

ps: and as I've told my older boys (now 17), the one thing most women want from men more than anything else is to know we're actually listening to them. Active Listening will make you very popular with the ladies. ;-)

pps: Something I've also learned in my old age is I can either be right or I can be happy. Today, I choose happy."

You can contact Gerry at 

Active Listening is an important social skill because it gives the other person the attention they thirst for. Giving people the gifts of listening and attention attract them to us.

Parents, it is natural to formulate what we want to say next when we need to be listening. This gets in the way of giving our full attention to the speaker.

As parents, let's advise our kids to make a mental decision to turn off their "inner voice" and truly listen. The speaker will feel valued and your children will become more popular with the other person.

How do you teach kids to listen?

Please comment in the comment link below.  Don't forget to add your email so I can send you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and the friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.

 With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS  

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