Social Skills for Kids ~ How This Expert Mother and Author Teaches the 4 Pillars!
Social Skills for Kids ~ How This Parenting Expert Teaches 3 Key Virtues

Social Skills for Kids ~The "Thank-You Recipe" and How to Teach It to Kids


"Thank-you" - The Essential Social Skill All Kids Need

"Give me more candy," begged Hannah.

"No, Hannah. You didn't say the magic words when I gave you the last piece," answered her mother.

"I want candy!" shouted Hannah.

"Hannah,"I won't listen until you can say the magic words."

Hannah knew how to say thank-you but refused.

Children who don't say, thank-you lack an essential social skill. People note when kids don't say it and are less likely to give them anything. No one wants to be taken for granted.

"Thank-you" is the recipe that opens hearts because it tells the giver he's appreciated.

How to Teach the "Thank-You Recipe" and Build Character

1. Write out this script and post it to the refrigerator.

Name + Thank-you + I like it because...

2. Pretend objects in the room are gifts. Hand one to your child. With each object tell your child you are someone she knows. Have her take the object and use the formula like this:

1. Hand your child a pillow. Pretend you are Aunt Helen.

"Aunt Helen, thank-you for this pillow. I like it because it's my favorite color and it will look great on my bed."

2. Hand your child a stuffed animal. Pretend you are Grandma.

"Grandma, thank-you for this teddy bear. I like him because he's so cute and soft."

3. Hand your child a book. Pretend you are a friend's mom.

"Mrs. White, thank-you for this Harry Potter book. I like how magical and scary his stories are."

Teach Your Child To Be Honest

Here's the hard part. How do you teach your child to be honest when he doesn't like the gift? Teach him to find something he likes about the gift like, color, size, or something else.

Maybe your child read all the Harry Potter books. Saying "I like how magical and scary his stories are," is still true.

Practice by giving her some old worn out toys for gifts. Ask her to pick out at least one thing she likes about each toy. Now she'll be ready for future gifts she doesn't care for.

Encourage your child find ways to be thankful everyday. You'll be building character by teaching her this essential social skill for life.

Your child won't be taking people for granted because you taught her to be grateful. The "Thank-You Recipe" opens hearts.

How do you teach kids to say thank-you?

Please comment in the comment link below. Don't forget to add your email so I can send you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and the friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.

With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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