Parenting Skills: Problems and Solutions with Runaway Teenagers
Need extra parenting skills to deal with your runaway teenager? We have parenting expert, Katherine Gordy Levine, author of the kindle book, Why Good Kids Run Away. As a mother, grandmother and foster parent to almost 400 problem teens, Katherine has stories to tell and lessons to share. Today she'll offer some typical problems and wise solutions.
Why Teenagers Run Away
- Anger about parenting rules
- Got drunk at a party and don't want parents to know
- Fought at a party and now sports black eyes and breath heavy with alcohol
- Contracted a sexual disease
- Impregnated or became pregnant
- Abused sexually or verbally at home
- Hear voices and see things that aren't real
Katherine shares stories about each of these problems and how she handled them with her foster students. Of course, there are other specific reasons why teenagers runaway. But Katherine is able to teach the lessons she wants you to know through each of the stories she tells.
Why Parents Worry
1. Their teenager didn't come home.
2. They don't know where their child is.
3. They don't know if their child is hurt.
4. They don't know when to call the police.
5. They don't know when or how much to tell school authorities.
Yes, the teens have problems but so do the parents. Their minds are overwhelmed with fear for their children. They may waver between anger and just wanting to wrap loving arms around their kids.
Solutions Before and After Your Runaway Comes Home:
Katherine gives her best advice on when to call the police, how to ask for advice, and what the police need to know. She has several thoughts on whether to tell or not tell school authorities.
Katherine also offers specific scripts to use with kids after you hug them and let them know you're glad they're home. Finally, she shares her ideas on consequences for your runaway teenager.
Katherine has the knowledge and experience that make her a unique parenting expert. She's been a professor of Social Work at Columbia University, a director of mental health crisis programs for children, and an accredited therapist. And you already know she was the foster parent of almost 400 children.
Let's THANK Katherine Gordy Levine for sharing her knowledge, insights, and great advice in When Good Kids Run Away.
Pick up your copy of When Good Kids Run Away and get the relief you need.
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