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Parenting Teenagers: Tempting True Tales with 7 Tips and Tools

Great Parent Relate to Their Teenagers

Are you the parent of a teenager? If so, you'll profit from the tips, tools and stories of our parenting skills author, Dr. Parnell Donahue. As a pediatrician he interviewed many teens in his book, Tools for Effective Parenting. Today he'll tempt you with his tales and help you with his tips and tools.

Tools for Effective Parenting opens with Luke's health evaluation. Dr. Par, is the ideal doctor for all young people. He cares for both their physical and emotional health. In this book, he chats with Luke and other teenagers and enlightens us on their thoughts and values.

You'll learn the important questions he asks to get them talking, how he listens, and the stories he shares.

Read to find out:

. How Claire, the grunge girl, shocked him with her take on religion
. Why Rafe complained when Dr. Par questioned his moral compass
. Why Marc's comment, "If you sleep with dogs, you'll get fleas," made him chuckle

Beside the many inspiring stories flowing throughout this book, you'll receive helpful parenting tips at the end of each section.

7 Parenting Tips and Tools from Dr. Donahue:

1. Let your children know what values you live by.
2. Be responsible for your own behavior. Don't make excuses.
3. Tell your children the truth.
4. Model the behavior you expect your children to follow.
5. Love and respect your partner. Even if you're divorced be respectful in your words and deeds.
6. Eat together and chat together.
7. Consider getting a family pet to care for and love. (From pages 73-74)


Parents who say, "Don't do as I do. Do as I say," weaken their parental authority. Without following the above tips and tools don't be surprised if your teenager ignores your words or disrespects your actions.

By living the tips and tools, you'll be authentic, real, and a model to look up to. Don't be surprised if you're respected too.

Dr. Par's true stories, lessons, and tips are satisfying to read and easy to remember. That's why Tools for Effective Parenting holds so much value for parents everywhere.


Let's THANK Dr. Donahue for sharing his knowledge and respect for parents, children, and teens.

Blog Optimistic Dr. Parnell Donahue

Dr. Par Donahue

Pick up his new book, Tools for Effective Parenting, and learn his secrets to raising wonderful teenagers.

Cover ~ Tools for Effective Parenting

Available on Amazon.com


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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