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The Blaming Problem - 10 Practical Parenting Solutions

Frowing Boy
"You Always Blame Me."

IF YOUR CHILD OFTEN BLAMES OTHERS FOR HIS MISTAKES, he has a blaming problem. From today's article you can help him tell the truth and take responsibility for his actions.

You'll find out:

Why youngsters blame

7 typical blaming defenses kids use

9 blaming behaviors

5 excuses parents repeat

10 parenting tips you can use immediately

For example you'll find out how creating signals helps stop blaming, why discussing the phrase, mistake makers, is important, and how to use consequences that work.

Read more at:

Stop Kids From Blaming Others! 10 Best Parenting Tips 


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Blaming Children: How Parents Stop the Excuses

Blamer Boy
"She made me do it!"


In the video below you'll find 7 parenting solutions to stop the blaming.

Many children think punishment is the worst thing in the world. Their young minds don't realize that everyone makes mistakes, especially them.

If parents are too harsh and not kind, kids' excuses will increase because they fear punishments. Parents can be balanced in helping children take responsibility. One of the parenting strategies in the video addresses this.

Allowing kids to blame others for their mistakes can also cause problems because it promotes a weak backbone and more blaming

The following brief video, How Parents Help Kids Stop Blaming Others will offer the 7 parenting tips you need to handle your child's blaming problems.

 Blaming Girl SMALL

   "I did not make him do it. It's his fault."


How Parent Help Kids Stop Blaming Others


If this video was helpful, please comment and share because it will help spread the tips. 

Please Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel to be the first to get her latest parenting videos.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Sassy Sarcastic Poem for Building Character in Your Child

Rejected Girl
Sassy Isn't Classy!

Our character building poem for kids includes rude behavior, the problems that mouthy behavior can cause, and how to solve them. Please share this parenting gift with your children.

The poem is about Tyler Tanners, a boy with sarcastic manners. When he put down his dad, there were consequences he didn't like.

Fortunately, a character comes to his rescue. Find out who he is and what he suggests in our poem, "Sassy Isn't Classy."

After you read it with your children, discuss these questions to find out their thoughts about sassy behavior:

  1. What's wrong with sarcastic behavior?
  2. How can being sassy hurt friendships?
  3. What do you think of sassy sarcastic kids?
  4. If you were the parent of a child who acted rudely toward you, what would you do?
  5. What advice would you give children who sass?

Using these discussion questions helps your children think more clearly and talk more deeply about the problem. When they respond with good solutions be sure to praise their answers. It is hoped they will follow them.

To pick up your gift, "Sassy Isn't Classy," insert the word, SASSY at:



Was this helpful? Please let me know with a comment below.

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate