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How Parents Promote Materialism in Kids - 2 Checklists

Angry Boy present
Does Your Child Want More Gifts?


TODAY'S PARENTING GIFT CAN IDENTIFY MATERIALISM IN YOUR FAMILY. Because worldliness can cause family distress, you'll find 2 checklists with material problems you may need to  solve.


It doesn't matter whether a you are rich, poor, or middle class. Materialism can infect any home. Some homes  are tainted by selfishness, others by envy, and still others by greed.


Our first checklist describes 9 ways your child may expect you to supply his long list of wants. He might even be bugging you for more presents than you can afford. Some parents feel overwhelmed and wonder what went wrong.


The second checklist offers 7 ways you may be promoting greed in your kids. If you identify a behavior to change and do so, the result may help your child become a happier caring person.


Children Are


Download this parenting present by Clicking Here:  


Then insert the code word: LISTS and pick up your gift.

You can turn materialistic kids into caring caring children.


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Fight Materialism and Raise Loving Children

Girl present SMALL
Is Materialism Infecting Your Family?



It's so easy to let gifts, especially costly digital games and cell phones, fill the void.

Perhaps you fear your child's becoming materialistic. You don't want her to value "things" over family and friends. But what can you do?

In Today's Parenting Article You'll Find:

  • 9 signs your child's becoming materialistic
  • 7 ways you could be promoting it
  • 11 parent and child dinner discussions.
  • 12 non-material rewards to replace costly gifts
  • 10 non-worldly mottoes for kids.
  • 12 easy ways to raise a happy more loving child


Boy dogbigstockphoto
Coupon for Walking
Grandparents' Dogs


The Positive Side of Gift Giving

Help your child give gifts to others like coupons that promise he will do something nice for the other person. Then help him set a date for keeping his word. He’ll feel good and the receiver will too.

Of course, you still want to surprise your child with meaningful presents. Consider choosing gifts that give your child what’s most special, your presence and your time (from, my friend, Carol Josel). Why? Because having fun together creates a close-knit family bond and beautiful memories.

Family Games Create Fun and Bonding


Pick up our article at,

Materialistic Children – Parenting Problems and Solutions




Please let me know if this was helpful by commenting below:

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate

How Can Parents Raise Non-Materialistic Kids?

Dad with Presents cropped more 700
Is Materialism the Key to Your
Child's Happiness?


IF YOU'RE TEACHING YOUR KIDS THAT MONEY, TOYS, AND PRESENTS are the keys to happiness, are they happy? If you're fighting materialism in your home, is it working? 

You CAN nurture generosity over greed. Consider watching our brief video and picking up the parenting tips with questions you need.

It offers ways for your kids to think more deeply about materialism. It won’t promote shame or guilt either.

Toward the end of this video,

How Parents Discuss Materialism with Kids

you'll find four powerful ideas that really do lead to happier lives. They don't cost a penny either.

Below the video you’ll also find the script to use with your loved ones. Feel free to copy it and add it to your binder to use whenever you need it.

Happy Family SMALL
Teach Your Kids What's Really Important!


Enjoy raising children who value the things that really matter.


Now please watch:

 How Parents Discuss Materialism with Kids



Please let me know if this was helpful by commenting below:

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate

Parenting a Joyful Family - 4 Loving Activities


Smiling Girl SMALL
Find Out What a Smile Can Do

PARENTS, RAISING CHEERFUL CHILDREN IS FUN. In this brief slide share presentation, you'll find out:

  • How to build optimistic mindsets 
  • Help end each day with happy memories
  • Make each member feel loved and appreciated
  • Lifts each other's spirits
Raising a Joyful Family Slideshare
Use These Parenting Exercises


Look, as a parent you are very busy. All you need is more parenting suggestions that take time. Don't worry. The actions in this parenting presentation are so easy and take very little time. They'll make raising your family easier because your children will feel happier. When kids are happy they tend to cooperate more. The benefits give you and your kids a win-win.


Pick up this brief SlideShare at: Raising a Joyful Family or at LinkedIn:



Feel Free to copy the transcript below the short presentation. Add it to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need a reminder. It's yours.

Start today and please share!


Please let me know if this was helpful by commenting below:

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate