Gift: How Parents Raise Kids with Love and Respect
IF POUTING KIDS, SHOUTING AND DISRESPECT are bringing your family down, you can change it. In today's gift we'll offer 7 strategies to increase your family's positive spirit. But first well share 5 tips that you might need to consider if your family feels out of control.
Parenting Out-of-Control Children:
1. Avoid lecturing, yelling, and pleading. They make parents look and sound weak.
2. Be kind and firm, consistent and stable. It’s best for you and your child.
3. Walk away from your child’s selfish words. Avoid being sucked into a fight because you’ll lose.
4. Keep your child’s allowance if he doesn’t complete his chores or does them poorly.
5. Stop doing extra deeds like his laundry when he’s disrespectful.
These suggestions may help your children realize you are in charge. This following brief video, could help you strengthen your resolve to get things under control. Then we'll share 7 positive tips that lead to respect.
Spoiled Child - 6 Practical Parenting Solutions
Parenting Gift:
These 7 positive tips to help your child grow in love and respect. They give your children exactly what they want: approval, attention, and appreciation. They are easy and practical.
Click on How Parents Raise Kids with Respect Insert the code words ESTEEM and download them now.
Tip: Add them to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need them.
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