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How Kids Create School Goals with Mojo

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 Mojo Mindsets Helps Kids Succeed

Achieving goals is easy when your child creates a mojo mindset. Just be sure his goals are realistic. 

Tell Your Child:

Pick one goal like –

  • I am getting a good grade on my next math test.
  • I am giving my book report with confidence.
  • I am making a friend at school.

Clear your mind and relax with 5 deep breaths.

  1. See clearly by looking outward at your goal not at yourself.
  2. Sense it with a strong feeling like focusing, confidence, friendliness etc.
  3. Say it starting with the words, “I am… as if you already have it.

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  1. Put the picture, the feeling, and the words all together in one magic moment.
  2. Do this before getting out of bed each morning and before falling asleep at night.
  3. Take the action to make it happen like studying, practicing your book report, smiling and saying “Hi!”

Enjoy using this mojo mindset to help your child achieve his goals. You can use it too.

My special gift to you:

Download this gift to use whenever it's needed by inserting the code word, MOJO at: 



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Is Your Child an I Can't Kid? Solutions Are Here

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Help Your Child Become an "I Can" Kid.

I can’t kids feel sad, weak, and fearful. They don’t want to try. They fear failure. They say:

  1. I can’t
  2. It’s too hard.
  3. I don’t know how.
  4. I don’t want to.
  5. You can’t make me.
Boy crying
"I Can't" Boy with Negative


I can’t kids have a losing mindset. They protect themselves from failure. They lose opportunities to succeed.

Today’s article shows you how to turn self-defeating words into a positive mindset.

This method uses two little words. Instead of future failure they promote present success. So simple.

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"I Can" Kids with Positive Mindsets.


Find out here:

Goal Setting for Kids – These 2 Little Words Work

Help your kids feel happy and succeed.

How do you help your kids think positive? Please share your tips below.


Please comment and share it with your friends on social media.

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate

Goals - 2 Ways Kids Create Winning Feelings

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You can teach your child how to choose winning

Healthy character building teachers children to choose their thoughts. Your kids can choose their feelings too. Inside you’ll find 2 ways to help your children choose winning feelings and build character too.

Building Character in Kids that Develop the Feelings of Joy and Enthusiasm:

"When we accept tough jobs as a challenge. . . and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen." - Arland Gilbert

Your child becomes a winner when he approaches life with joy and enthusiasm. But when your child’s spirits are down, he won't want to try. Goal setting offers him a way to learn the magic of optimism. Here are two ways you can help him feel the magic.

Why Brad Chooses to Try


2 Parenting Tips – How Brad Creates a Winning Spirit

Let's say your Brad loves soccer but he's an average player. His last practice was a disaster. He's told you that he'll be standing on the sidelines this season. Now he mopes around the house. Your heart goes out to him. You ask him if he'd like a way to create winning feelings. He nods. Here's what to do:

Goals - 2 Ways Kids Create Winning Feelings 

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate