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Parenting Tip List - Teaching Kids to Judge Character

Mother and Daughter Discussion 2

Mother and Daughter Discussing Character

Judging character is easy to teach. Coach your child to see how a person acts and hear what she says. Is the other kind, honest, and respectful? Or is she rude, unkind, and dishonest?

Training Your Child to Look for the Good 

Good Character is about being honest and having strong moral values. You can trust an honest person. But a dishonest person signals the red alert, "He lies. I can't trust him." The following questions open your child's eyes to finding good character in others.

Parenting Tip List - How to Ask about Character: 

Consider using these discussions around the kitchen table, in the car, or at bedtime.

1. Reject fault-finding in classmates.

  • How can the habit of finding fault in others hurt you?
  • How could fault-finding lead to gossip?
  • What do you think about gossiping?

How Could Gossip Hurt Him?
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  1. Explore the Qualities of Character:
  • How would you describe someone with a weak character?
  • What are signs of a good character?
  • How would you recognize the good character in others?

   3. Help Your Child Make Friends with Kids of Good Character:

  • How can you be friendly?
  • How can you have fun?
  • How can you be appreciative?
  1. Practice Praising a Classmate's Good Character:


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Girl Enjoying a Compliment


  • Pick a classmate to praise.
  • What would you say? Let’s practice. 
  • Share it with your classmate and tell me what happened.
  • Who will you praise next?

Help your child listen to a classmate's words and see how she acts. He'll be assessing the 'content of her character.' It can influence him about who to avoid and who to choose as a friend. 

Guide your child to 'look for the good' in others. He will find it because you opened his eyes to see and his ears to hear.



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy

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Best Parenting Tip - Teaching Kids a Friendly Attitude

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"Positive Thinking Works Wonders"


Norman Vincent Peale wrote the Power of Positive Thinking. This short parenting article and video share how positive thinking leads to positive action.

Children can use positive actions to make friends. They can become friendly. Friendly children are a delight to know. They see the good in others and tell them. Because they are positive and friendly, they are magnets.

Friendly children give peers what they want: sincere attention, appreciation, and compliments. These positive actions boost the receiver’s spirit. Friendships may be the result. Norman Vincent Peale was right, “Positive thinking works wonders.”

Here's How It Works – 

1 Happy Girl 450
Be Positive! Be Friendly!


Your Child:

  1. Rejects fault-finding and criticism.
  2. Looks for the honest good in others.
  3. Doesn’t keep it to themselves.
  4. Praises the other.
  5. Makes friends.

How to Encourage Your Student to Find the Good in a Classmate.

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Discuss and Encourage Honest Praise.


  1. Pick a classmate to praise.
  2. Discuss different genuine compliments to give.
  3. Tell your child, “Share the compliment.”
  4. “Come home and tell me what happened.”
  5. Praise your child and ask, “Who do you want to compliment next?” Repeat the process.

How Parents Can Teach Kids an Unfriendly Attitude 

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Looking for the Worst in Others


  1. Look critical. Be critical.
  2. Search for the worst in others.
  3. Gossip about it.
  4. Feel superior to your victim.
  5. Lose your kids' trust to confide in you because you might tell others.

Looking for the worst in others and broadcasting it to people is gossiping. Gossip is bad for our minds. It creates adverse pathways in our brains. Our attitudes turn sour. Dissatisfaction and gloominess can result.

Proving Norman Vincent Peale Right

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Look for the Good - So Easy!


Looking for the best in others and telling them specifically is a loving act. Honest complimenting is good for our minds. It creates positive pathways in our brains. Our attitudes blossom. Satisfaction and happiness can result. Positive thinking does work wonders.

Be your child's role model. Teach her to find the good in others. It's powerful and will make her world a happier place.


Please pass this 1-minute video forward to your friends and their families.

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy

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