Parenting Bonus: 6 Positive Brain Changing Steps to Happiness


Thinking Mom SMALL
Great Strategy for Parents and Children!



Today’s parenting gift helps your brain work for you not against you. It puts you in the driver's seat because you choose the thoughts you want to focus on.

Find out this brain changing process and start using it today. Then teach it to your children.

6 Part Parenting Method to Promote in Yourself and Your Kids:

  1. Recognize harmful thoughts.
  2. Ask yourself an important question (in the bonus).
  3. Check your feelings.
  4. Challenge question to answer (also in the freebie).
  5. Make a choice and refocus.
  6. Share this process with your children too.

Parenting Suggestion:

Add this positive brain strategy to your 3-hole binder and use it whenever you or your kids need it.

Get this Free Bonus because it's an important key to a happier life.

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Jean Tracy, MSS


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Boosting Brains in Kids: 6 Parenting Attitudes


Asian dad and son SMALL

Parenting is tough when your impatient child gives up and you're worried about his attitude. How do you turn a losing mindset into patience and determination?

In this brief parenting slideshow you will find 6 mental outlooks to instill in your child. They will help him face life with a love for learning and a strong resolve to keep trying.

5 Parenting Skills for Promoting Brain Power

  1. Praise his efforts more than his grades.
  2. Praise his strides in keeping focused on his work.
  3. Praise the thinking steps he took to solve his problems.
  4. Ask questions that help him reflect on how he used his brain.
  5. Take the time to listen, smile, and learn how your child really thinks.

When you praise the right attitudes, ask good questions, and show true interest, you'll be boosting your child's brain development.

Smart Boy


Watch this slideshow with it's 14 brief slides. Feel free to copy the short script below the slides. Put it in a binder to use when your child needs a mental boost.

Child Brain Development! 6 Parenting Tips for Motivating Children


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Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Solutions: Helping Kids Conquer Self-Pity


Sad red haired SMALL
"Poor Me" Behavior Can Be Changed!

IF SELF-PITY IS A HABIT WITH YOUR CHILD, you know how it disturbs you and shackles her. You might wonder, “How can I free my child from this self-destructive behavior?”

Today, you’ll find a story, 3 signs of self-pity, two helpful activities, and the poem, “Self-Pity Isn’t Pretty.”

In the story you’ll see how the “poor me” monster easily creeps into her thoughts.

Feeling sorry for oneself is natural when bad things happen. The danger occurs when we recycle emotional pain and it becomes a habitual routine.

Self-Pity Signs

Does your youngster whine, look gloomy or act angry a lot? If so, chances are she needs your help to keep from repeating the thoughts that bring her down.

If you react to the whining in ways you’re not proud of, try the 2 exercises in this article. They could be a good alternative for you. You can start using them today. 

To find out more, click on How to Free Your Child from Drowning in Self-Pity


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Can Solve Couple Problems with Visualization


Bigstock-couple-practicing-yoga small
Parents Can Visualize Solutions to Problems!

How you solve couple problems can scare your kids. They worry when you fight.

Most parents regret scaring their youngsters. Yet most couples still say and do painful things they can’t take back. If you and your mate have communication difficulties, here’s help.

You can’t make your partner a good communicator but you can become one.

If you focus on the last fight and the one before that until you remember every conflict, you’ll create a strong negative pathway in your brain paved with your couple struggles. By recycling old hurts with new ones you can easily build a case against your partner. You’ll also have a convincing mental route to follow whenever a new problem occurs. When that happens, don’t be surprised if you explode. You don't have to lose your cool. You have choices.

Two Choices

“You have a choice. You can either focus on what’s tearing you apart or what’s holding you together.” - Pinned by Gelyn Resuma

The Third Choice

You can raise your self-esteem by visualizing your best self handling a problem you tend to avoid. If you do this before falling asleep and before rising in the morning for 3 weeks, chances are you’ll become the good communicator you want to be.

Today’s gift, Self-Esteem Visualization for Couples with Problems will show you how to handle difficulties with elegance and no regrets. Then, when your kids are watching, they’ll feel the change. Why not calm their fears by solving problems with dignity.

To download your step-by-step visualization click on Subscriber Gifts

and insert the code word: VISUALIZE. You can start today! Why not make a copy for your partner too?


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parent-Child Meditation Method for Soothing Emotions

Girl Closed Eyes
Meditating Helps Soothe Difficult Feelings
















WANT A SELF-REFLECTION TECHNIQUE to help your child soothe her out-of-control feelings? Below you'll find a Parenting Gift to help her use whenever she needs it.

When kids explode with anger, they often regret their outbursts. If your student is having trouble digging out from under depression, this tool can help. Fear, that anxious feeling that can invade your youngster's heart and prevent her from trying, can be changed with this stress-relief strategy.

Children own powerful minds and rich imaginations. (You do too. That's why you can use this system too.) Just as thoughts can increase difficult feelings, thoughts can reduce them too.

Preparing Your Child to Meditate

1. Be sure your child is in a good mood. A bad mood won't work because your child is still feeling negative.


2. Talk privately to show you respect your youngster. Make sure the surroundings are quiet and peaceful.


3. Discuss out-of-control feelings and how everyone experiences them. Use questions to learn her thoughts rather than lecturing.


4. Ask, “What feeling is hard for you to control?” Help her talk about her emotions by listening well.


5. Ask, “Are you willing to use your imagination to control it?”

Your Parenting Gift

Use this simple method at and insert the code: WORDS

I suggest you keep this special parenting gift in your parenting binder to use whenever you need it.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Brain Power: 7 Steps to Your Child's Positive Mindset + Video

POSITIVE BRAIN POWER HELPS YOUR CHILD ESCAPE DARK FEELINGS! If you're concerned about your youngster's painful emotions and the thoughts that fuel them, keep reading. Then watch the YouTube Video below for an important discussion with your child.

Has your student adopted “poor me, I can't,” or attitudes that blame others for his own mistakes? If your child says, “I'm sorry” too often could she be plagued with an overdose of guilt? Negative thoughts and emotions become habits. Such patterns hover over a child like black clouds ready to engulf him at any moment. How can you teach an effective escape route to a brighter future?

- See more at:


Boy smiling
"What You Think, You Become." - Buddha


If you’re concerned about your youngster’s negative emotions and the thoughts that fuel them, keep reading. Then watch the YouTube Video below.

Has your student adopted “poor me, I can’t,” or attitudes that blame others for her own mistakes? If your child says, “I’m sorry” too often could she be plagued with an overdose of guilt?

Negative thoughts and emotions become habits. Such patterns hover over children like black clouds ready to engulf them at any moment. How can you teach an effective escape to a brighter future?

First, Watch our YouTube Video, How Parents Raise Kids with Positive Brain Power.

It outlines 3 important ways.

Second, you'll be directed to the article for more detail on helping your child.



Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.


Read our full article, 7 Ways to Encourage Positive Brain Power in Your Child

7 Ways to Encourage Positive Brain Power in Your Child - See more at:


7 Ways to Encourage Positive Brain Power in Your Child - See more at:

It will teach your child how to stop negative thoughts and become a positive thinker.


For more help with thought-stopping pick up the Thought-Stopping Kit

Cover Thought-Stopping

Available at


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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Brain Power : 6 Ways to Help Your Child Watch TV and Thrive

You've heard the warnings, "Television is bad for your child!"

You work Meme TV Strategieshard while your child watches lots of television. You worry about his brain. Will it be influenced by harmful TV shows? "What can you do? 

Today we'll share some research, 6 parenting tips, and a short YouTube video.

Parenting Advice from Research: 

1. Create consistent rules.

2. Follow routines.

3. Schedule a regular bedtime.

4. Read to children often.

5. Take kids to the library.

6. Teach youngsters their colors, shapes, and alphabet before kindergarten.

7. Avoid TV for children less than 2 years.

By doing the above you'll be setting the stage for raising successful children. But as your kids get older they'll tend to watch more TV. Could it ruin what you've taught?

You don't want your youngsters watching shows that poison their minds. You wish the TV producers would keep bad material off the air. But everyone says it's your responsibility to monitor what your kids watch. Is there anything you can do besides locking your TV in the trunk of your car or taking it to the dump? After all, there are great programs too.

You want your children to play, make friends, and have fun. Such healthy activities boost their brain power. So where does TV fit in?

6 Ways for Your Child to Watch Television and Develop Brain Power:

1. Limit TV time. Say, "Homework and chores first then TV." Encourage playing outside with neighborhood kids too.

2. Choose the programs that enrich their minds. Check the TV guide each week and find entertaining educational programs for them to watch.

3. Discover television shows that help your child with her research project or help excite her passion about saving whales, sharing her allowance with a child in another country, or something else.

4. Mute TV commercials and ask your child, "What do you think will happen next?" In this way you'll be influencing his thoughts.

5. Switch or turn off objectionable shows; the ones that promote violence, disrespect, and sex. Explain to your child why you don't want them to watch the inappropriate material.

6. Ask questions that promote thinking, listen, and then give your opinion. In this way, you'll be promoting your positive values through healthy discussions.

If you'd like 137 more ways to help your child succeed in school and in life, pick up your copy of Parents as Teachers


Parents as Teachers 137 Cover

Available at:

You'll receive 137 ideas to help your child succeed from birth to 9 years.

Now for the Short YouTube Video: 6 Best TV Strategies to Help Your Child Succeed

137 Teaching Ideas from Birth to 9 Years




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Jean Tracy, MSS

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Brain Power: How Parents Teach Children Goal-Setting

Boy feeling fear jpgGoal-Setting Can Overcome Fear!

Now parents can teach kids how to set goals in 3 simple steps. To show what I mean, I made a YouTube video which I'll share below. It includes some of the following:

Imagine this boy shaking as he shares his book report.  Facing his fellow students he tries to remember his thoughts but his throat is dry and he can't talk. After rushing to his seat he buries his   head in his arms and tries not to cry.

Telling him to relax won't work. What I'm about to share will.

Your child doesn't have to feel panic. Instead of fearing class presentations, he can visualize them before they even happen. When he gets up in front of his classmates, he will do well if he's followed the 3 steps. Why? Because his visualization, one of the steps, works like a rehearsal.


Reaching Goals Lifts Your Child's Spirits.

Would you like your child to feel great?  When kids create goals and reach them, their spirits soar. It gives them confidence to try again. The method you are about to teach your child offers them a method to use for life.

You can use it too. As a counselor, I've taught it to many adults. They were amazed at what they achieved.

Teach Your Child to Pick a Realistic Goal

Advise your child to choose a goal that she truly wants to accomplish, like catching fly balls, singing a song on key, playing her guitar for the school assembly, or talking to kids she'd like for friends but is afraid to approach.

The Goal Must Be Actionable:

1. It must be something she could actually achieve.Bigstock_Idea_Girl_5381432
2. It needs to be time limited - something she could accomplish in a specific amount of time.

3. She must have the resources she needs to make it happen. For instance, if she doesn't have access to a guitar, playing for the school assembly is only a dream not a goal.

Here are the 3 Steps to Achieving Goals:

1. Say It.

 Girl bigstock-Girl-15371141

"I am seeing the audience liking my solo."

Say, "I am..." + Goal (as if it is already reached.)

2. Sense It.

Happy boy
He's sensing the feeling he wants.

Your child must choose and sense the feeling he wants, like joy.

3. See it.

Boy shaking hand
I am looking at my class as I give my science report.

Visualize it! He must look out toward the goal rather than see himself. He won't be looking at himself when he gives his report. He'll be looking at the class.

Say It. Sense It. See It Altogether in One Moment

I am seeing, sensing, and saying my goal as if I've already achieved it.

Say It. Sense It and See It Morning and Night Until the Goal Is Reached

Advise your child to see it, sense it, and say it before rising in the morning and before sleeping at night.

Pick up your copy of my Goal-Setting Kit which includes:

  • Easy directions designed by professional child counselor.
  • Cutout Goal Setting Pyramid. Print as many as you wish on on card stock.
  • 6 goal setting cards(use card stock) Print as many as you wish.
  • Parenting article on goal setting for kids.
  • 80 activity rewards
- See more at:

1. Easy Directions

  • Easy directions designed by professional child counselor.
  • Cutout Goal Setting Pyramid. Print as many as you wish on on card stock.
  • 6 goal setting cards(use card stock) Print as many as you wish.
  • Parenting article on goal setting for kids.
  • 80 activity rewards
- See more at: Easy directions

2. Cutout goal-setting pyramid

3. 6 goal-setting cards

4. 80 activity rewards

The Goal-Setting Video

As you watch the video I hope you will "like" it and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more parenting videos.


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

Sign up for my FREE Parenting Newsletter and receive:

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Boost Your Children's Brains with These 3 Simple Games

Great face of African Toddler
Preschool Games Make Brain Connections!

Could your young children improve their brain connections? "Absolutely!" says our parenting skills expert, Dr. Sally Goldberg, author of Make Your Own Preschool Games.Today she'll share the importance of 5 senses. You'll see the list of areas in which she includes 12 games each and you'll find 3 sample games to see how easy it is for you to use them.

Dr. Sally knows all learning comes through the senses. When you teach children through sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch you create wonderful brain connections. Since so much of the brain develops before the age of 5, it is important to start young.

Game Categories in Make Your Own Preschool Games that Include 12 Games Each:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Science
  3. Social Studies
  4. Gross-Motor Development
  5. Fine-Motor Development
  6. Midline Development
  7. Social Skills
  8. Art
  9. Music
  10. Drama
  11. Reading
  12. Writing
  13. Listening
  14. Speaking

I like how she lists the name of each game with its page number in the back of the book. Dr. Sally recommends writing down the name of each game with its page number on 3X5" cards, shuffle them, and have your child choose which game to play.

3 Sample Games for Boosting Your Youngsters Brain Power

1. This Mathematics Game Teaches about Measurement:

Use a ruler to measure straight objects like a table, shelf, book, window, and door. This teaches preschoolers that different objects can have different lengths. You can also teach, inches, feet, and centimeters. It's so easy.

2. This Science Game Teaches the Care of Plants:

Buy 3 little identical plants. Put them where your child can water them. Water them 2 times a week. Ask your child to guess how each plant will do when they are watered with different solutions. 

   1.) Water

   2.) Coca-cola

   3.) Milk

Discuss the results and which solution is best for watering plants.

3. This Social Studies Game Tells The Story of the Day: 

This develops your child's memory. Use it at bedtime. Begin with "Once upon a tell what actually happened in your child's day. You can take turns telling different events. Feel free to stop and discuss any event especially if it teaches a lesson like honesty.


If you can imagine playing these games together, feeling happy to be with each other, and watching your child expand his brain connections, then know that you are making learning fun. When your child measures with a ruler, waters plants, or tells his nightly story, he'll become more alert to the sizes of things, the plants around him, and what is happening during his day. What an excellent outcome! I recommend Make Your Own Preschool Games to all parents, daycare owners, preschool teachers, and homeschool parents.


Join me in THANKING Dr. Sally for sharing 3 of her 168 games with us today. She's knows what your children's young brains need and how to help you give it to them.

Dr. Sally Goldberg

 Dr. Sally Goldberg

Pick up Make Your Own Preschool Games: A Personalized Play and Learn Program

Make Your Own Preschool Games

Available on


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How to Help Your Children Say, "I CAN"


Help Your Child  Become an "I CAN" Person

If your children need to say "I can," instead of "I can't," keep reading. Our parenting skills expert, Miriam Laundry, has written an impressive book entitled, I CAN Believe in Myself. Today, we'll share the side effects of raising negative kids, how to change them, and the story of  Molly.

How to Help Your Children Think, "I CAN"

Miriam Laundry's book illustrates the problems your children experience when they repeat, "I can't." These two words have the power to influence them by:

1. Causing sad feelings. Notice the expression on your kids' faces. Have them look in the mirror. Ask them, "Do you really want your brain to think, 'I Can't?'

2. Making them feel helpless.  Ask your youngsters, "Would you rather feel weak or strong?" Hopefully, they'll say strong. Then discuss how choosing to be helpless hurts them.

Try not to do things for your children that they could do for themselves. It could intensify their helpless feelings.

3. Increasing a sense of fear. Many kids fear hurting themselves or failing. This fear prevents them from trying. Never put your children down for feeling anxious. Put-downs make things worse. Rather praise them for the steps they take to overcome their fear. Be specific, positive, and truthful.

The Story of Molly

In this beautifully illustrated book, young Molly shows your kids how "I can't" held her back. They'll find out why Molly couldn't speak as she heard her teacher and classmates also say, "I can't."

Through Molly's creative imagination, your child will learn how Molly and her friend, 'Shreddy,' turned everyone around, including herself.

I CAN Believe in Myself is the best message for raising positive children who don't give up. Read it again and again with your kids. You'll like the results.


Let's THANK Miriam Laundry for writing such a helpful book promoting 'I CAN' in young children. And one more thing, let her book boost positivity and an 'I CAN' attitude in your kids.

Author Miriam

Miriam Laundry

Pick up your copy of, I CAN Believe in Myself, read it with your children often.

Cover ~ I Can Believe in Myself

 Available on


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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