Turn Your Sad Child into a Happy Thinker – 5 Easy Steps

Frustrated boy SMALL
"Nobody likes me."


This sad boy talks to himself constantly. He tells himself self-pity thoughts. Find out how to help him.
People talk to themselves a lot. Often, they’re not aware of what they tell themselves.
When their thoughts are happy and healthy, they feel strong and positive.
When their thoughts are sad and filled with self-pity, they feel weak and miserable.

Girl laughing
You CAN help your child choose how to think.


How can you help your child become

a strong happy thinker? Here’s how:

Pick up your free Happy Thinker Exercise at https://www.KidsDiscuss.com  Insert the code word - THINKER and download your gift.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy

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How Parents Raise Honest Children

Guilt 780
The Truth Sets Kids Free


Who can you trust? Who's telling the truth? Today the truth is hard to know.

You want your child to be honest, but how? 

First, go back to your childhood. Remember a time when you told a lie and felt guilty. Were you plagued by regret and fear? Did you worry that you'd be found out and get punished?

Lies can torment your child too.

I remember those feelings. I didn't know how to face up to what I'd done. This article will help you teach your child how to tell the truth and avoid guilt.

You CAN Help Your Child Choose Truth Over Guilt.

Today's article shares:

  • 8 painful results from lying
  • 7 positive effects for being truthful
  • 6 honesty strategies
  • 5 moral dilemmas to discuss
  • 10 self-talk rhymes to repeat

Feel free to choose the ones that are most helpful.



Boy discussing honest with mom 700x467
You Can Help Your Child Choose Honesty.


Your Parenting Tips Are Here:

Arrow curved down

The Honest Child - 35 Parenting Tips Teach Truthfulness


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting the Aggressive Entitled Child to Think Realistically

Boy Crown 800
You Can Raise a Kinder Reasonable Child

The entitled child believes everything should go his way. He acts like he’s the king of the universe. Justin was such a boy.

Whenever Justin’s younger brother, Seth, wouldn’t play Justin’s video games with him, he’d punch Seth and yell, “I hate you!” When his mom scolded Justin, he’d sass back, “You always take Seth’s side,” then slam his bedroom door.

If Justin was your son, would you want to hit him? Would you yell, “I’m sick and tired of your angry behavior!” and preach the same old lecture?

Consider having a conversation with Justin when both of you are calm.

Respectful Boy Justin 800
Teaching the Entitled Child How to Be Realistic


Use yourself as an example. It might go something like this:

Mom: Remember when I arranged a birthday party for Grandpa?

Justin: Yah.

Mom: I was frustrated because only three of our family members came. I really felt mad inside. I wanted to tell those who didn’t come what I thought of them.

Justin: Did you?

Mom: No, because I remembered something Grandpa taught me as a child. He’d say,  “Sally, you’re not the Queen of the Universe. Things don’t have to go your way.”

Justin: How did that help you?

Mom: Can you guess?

Justin: No.

Mom: Because if I was the queen, I could make everybody do what I want.

Justin: But you’re not the queen so you couldn't force everyone to come to Grandpa's party.

Mom: That’s right. How might that thought help you?

Justin: I’m not the King of the Universe so things don't have to go my way either.

Mom: Right. What about Seth not playing your video games?

Justin: Yah.

Mom: How can we remind ourselves that we’re not the king or queen of the universe?

Justin: Let’s make 2 signs that say, “I’m Not the King,” and “I’m Not the Queen” and post them on the fridge.

Mom: And every time we stop ourselves from losing our tempers let’s make a tally mark on our signs.

Conclusion for Helping Entitled Kids Become Reasonable

Entitled kids need to know that life isn’t fair, doesn’t cater to what they want, and can be disappointing at times. You can teach them with reasonable self-talk how to be more rational about life. None of us is the king or queen of the universe. Things often don't go our way. Sometimes we need to be patient and accept that fact. And sometimes it becomes a challenge to creatively overcome the problem.

As the parent, you are the best one to teach him this lesson by being reasonable yourself and having good discussions with him. Start with a true story about when you were angry and irrational. He won't feel like you're pointing a finger at him and he'll like spending private time with you.

A Gift for You:

Reasonable Child 800

Pick Up:

 10 Ways Successful Parents Handle Their Aggressive Child

Insert the code word: AGGRESSIVE and download your gift.



You might also like this brief YouTube video with it's simple technique to teach your child:

How Parents and Kids Discuss Emotions



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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7 Parenting Tips – How to Raise Motivated Kids + Video

OK Dad
Turn Your Depressed Kid into a Happy Learner


YOUR DISCOURAGED CHILD MAY BE HOOKED ON NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. If so, you'll hear a hopeless tone with pessimistic words like:

  1. Why should I try?
  2. I’ll never use it.
  3. It’s boring.

What can you do to change her mind? Today’s video helps you turn your child’s dark thinking into bright ideas.

This video encourages your child to change his ‘can’t-do attitude’ into a ‘can-do mindset.’ You’ll be helping him compare the depressing feeling of giving-up to the enthusiastic sense of trying. How? With the 7 meaty discussions you find inside. 

The discussion questions are listed within the video.

You’ll also find 5 self-talk rhymes besides the 3 listed below to keep her joy of learning alive. Positive rhymes that become part of your child’s thinking pattern will help her stay motivated when she repeats them often. They're especially helpful when learning is tough.

  1. I feel my true grit when I lose, I don’t quit.
  2. I’m the guy who loves to try.
  3. Learning’s my style because trying’s worthwhile.

Even if your child doesn’t show signs of discouragement, listen to the video below. You’ll be glad you did.




You can also watch it on YouTube to leave me a comment. I'd love to hear what you think. 

 The Motivated Child – How Parents Raise Can-Do Children


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Headstrong Kids - 5 Solutions in 1 Minute Video

Boy crossed arms
Power Struggles with Your Strong-Willed Child
Can Be Solved!

THINK OF HANDLING STUBBORN CHILDREN LIKE METAL BEADS AND A MAGNET. Your child's stubborn behaviors are the metal beads. Your reactions are the magnet. Each stubborn behavior can cause a swift and powerful clash if you let yourself explode with emotion. This doesn't have to happen.

Consider Using Logic by Asking Yourself 3 Questions:

1. What are the consequences to our relationship if I consistently blow-up?

       When I continually react with anger, his stubbornness hardens even more. Respect dies.

2. What are better ways of reacting to his stubbornness?

         I can use a kind, firm, and self-controlled voice.  With time and repetition, mutual respect could grow.

3. Are there specific ways to be the respectful parent and turn his headstrong behaviors into cooperative ones?

        If you draw a blank, watch our 1 minute video below. You'll find 5 solutions you can start using today.

Please remember, no parent is perfect. We all get over-stressed and lose our tempers. Don't get down on yourself if this happens to you. Just reconfirm your commitment to be a respectful parent.

One more thing, you CAN make the magnetic pull between you and your child into a pleasant and positive relationship.

Click on: Have a Headstrong Child? 5 Solutions


 To subscribe to my YouTube Videos, click on my face at the end of this video. To see my longer video on stubbornness click on the video in the upper left-hand corner.
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Thank you so much.With warm wishes,  

 Jean Tracy, MSS

******Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

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Have a Headstrong Child? Get 12 Simple Parenting Solutions


Mother Child Chats
Power Struggles with
Can Be Solved!

RAISING OPEN-MINDED CHILDREN takes a few parenting skills you can easily learn.

Today's FREE parenting giveaway includes 12 ways to deal with a stubborn child.


Here are a few of the problems you will find with the parenting answers you'll want to solve:

How to overcome power struggles with children

How to relax during a parent/child argument

How to turn your parenting criticisms into compliments

How to overcome controlling behavior

How to bond with your uncooperative child

You’ll even receive tips for getting kids to do their chores!

If this FREE parenting gift is something you want, please insert the code word:


at:  http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp

then download and start enjoying a

better relationship with your determined child.

Dad and Son SMALL
You CAN Help Your Child
Become a
Flexible Thinker!

Once you download this parenting gift, consider adding it to a binder to refer to whenever you need it.

Please let me know if this was helpful by commenting below:

Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Bullying and Peer Pressure: Parenting Kids to Choose Empathy + Video

Peer Pressure
How Parents Help Kids Avoid Bullying


BULLIES BURN BRIDGES BY WHAT THEY SAY AND DO . They destroy connections like trust, friendship, and future relationships with their victims.

Bullying and Peer Pressure

By seeming powerful, bullies can influence other kids. Some children are afraid to say, “No” to the bully. Others follow because they want to "fit in."

Victims never forget how the bully made them feel nor do they forget who followed the bully’s pressure against them.  Being hurt physically, verbally, and/or emotionally, creates painful memories in the mind of the victim. They always remember. Some take revenge.

How Parents Can Help

Whether you suspect you are raising a bully or a bullied child, you CAN guide your child with good discussions.

Many children lack the experience to be wise about causing painful feelings and the importance of caring about others. You can raise their consciousness.

In today’s video, you will find 10 strategic questions to get your child to think more deeply about bullying, to consider the victim’s feelings, and to build the bridge of empathy.

As a bonus, you’ll also find 5 self-talk mottos to help your child choose caring and empathy over bullying.

Feel free to copy the transcript below the video with both the questions and mottos.

Family Discussions:

Use one question from the video per dinner discussion to find out what your child really thinks about bullying. Hold back from jumping in with your opinions. Listen well. Be sure you understand your child's thoughts before you speak.

Enjoy helping your children think wisely about the problems and pain that bullies cause because you CAN inspire them to choose caring instead.



Bullying – How Parents Help Kids Choose Kindness 




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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


Sign up for my FREE Parenting News and receive:

  • 80 Fun Activities to Share with Your Kids
  • 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate

How to Raise Children with 7 Core Parenting Values

  White Family Hugging

Parenting Children with Loving


If you're finding child-rearing difficult and you're worried about doing a good job, stop worrying. Consider promoting the 7 major ideas in this article with their practical parenting strategies. They're simple and require very little work or effort.

In this parenting article, you will find:

  1. How to raise members to respect each other – 7 parenting tips.
  2. How to teach your child social skills – 6 parenting solutions.
  3. How to promote a love for learning – 5 parenting strategies.
  4. How to nurture health and fitness – 6 helpful ideas.
  5. How to instill gratitude in kids – 6 specific ways.
  6. How to foster spirituality in children – 10 simple enriching approaches.
  7. How to encourage no-cost giving 5 sample discussions.
Black child hugging dad
Love Is the Key to a Happy Home.


The basic ingredient is love, and it is love that propels parents to do their best. The seven parenting values in this article, respect, social skills, love of learning, health and fitness, gratitude, spirituality, and non-material gift-giving can help parents raise the family of their dreams and build character too.

Give them a try and please share this article with your friends on social media.

Click here: How Parents Teach Kids 7 Positive Attitudes


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting a Joyful Family - 4 Loving Activities


Smiling Girl SMALL
Find Out What a Smile Can Do

PARENTS, RAISING CHEERFUL CHILDREN IS FUN. In this brief slide share presentation, you'll find out:

  • How to build optimistic mindsets 
  • Help end each day with happy memories
  • Make each member feel loved and appreciated
  • Lifts each other's spirits
Raising a Joyful Family Slideshare
Use These Parenting Exercises


Look, as a parent you are very busy. All you need is more parenting suggestions that take time. Don't worry. The actions in this parenting presentation are so easy and take very little time. They'll make raising your family easier because your children will feel happier. When kids are happy they tend to cooperate more. The benefits give you and your kids a win-win.


Pick up this brief SlideShare at: Raising a Joyful Family or at LinkedIn:



Feel Free to copy the transcript below the short presentation. Add it to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need a reminder. It's yours.

Start today and please share!


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift for Creative Parents – Children's Poem to Discuss



Sunshine Girl Brighter
You Can Help Your Child Choose "The Bright Side"


NEGATIVE THINKING IS A DARK CLOUD THAT HOLDS US BACK from making friends, hurts our chances of success, and makes us feel gloomy. Positive thinking, is a light and cheerful feeling that attracts friends, success, and feels happy. 

Use this creative discussion poem with your children to let go of hopeless thoughts and embrace positive thinking.

In just 4 short stanzas you'll discover topics to discuss like:

  1. Judging others. 
  2. Negative thoughts. 
  3. Moaning and groaning. 
  4. Excuses, blaming, acting cross.

Each verse reinforces solutions to negative behaviors like:

  1. Expanding your heart.
  2. Smiling and laughing.
  3. Being kind and cheerful.
  4. Encouraging others.

Discuss this poem as a friendly chat 

Find out your child's thoughts by asking:

  1. What do you think about judging others to bring them down?
  2. How do you think negative thoughts push others away?
  3. How do moaning and groaning poison people's minds?
  4. How do excuses, blaming and active cross affect family and friends?
  5. Would you like to live on the "bright side?" Why? 

Pick up your poetry gift - "On the Bright Side"  and Insert the code:



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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