“Unspoiling” Your Child –10 Practical Parenting Tips


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If your children treat you like a doormat, chances are you’re a loving parent who gives too much and expects too little. You CAN take a stand!

Today's parenting suggestions may be difficult because your child won’t like them. He isn’t supposed to like them. Use them only if you’ll be consistent because if you don’t follow through you’ll look weaker than ever. If you are consistent, eventually you’ll get the respect you deserve. It will take time.

The first parenting suggestion, “Be determined to change!” is important. Without determination things won’t change. Being the parent means being a strong leader, guide, and coach.

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There’s a time to show love and there’s a time to be in charge. Saying "No" and then giving in shows weakness not love. To become a blend of kindness and firmness works best. And when kids are already spoiled, be firm.

You’ll find 10 top parenting solutions for becoming firm. Take a deep breath. Follow the suggestions, and help your child become a respectful caring person.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Verbal Abuse from Spoiled Children - Checklist and Video

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The words your children yell at you reflect how they think and feel about you. If those words are selfish, mean, or hurtful, you've got work to do. Why you? Before your children can change you need to change. I know it's hard to hear. But ask yourself 3 questions about:

Disrespectful Children

How did the disrespect start?

How did I respond?

Why is it continuing?

You can learn a lot of important information by answering those 3 questions.

You work hard all day and come home to even more work - dinner, dishes, laundry, lunches, and homework. You're tired and ask your kids for help. "Don't tell me what to do!" is yelled back at you.

Your tiredness makes you cranky and you yell back. If you end up  feeling like a parenting failure or guilty about the things you say, it's time to change.

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You CAN Change Your Behavior, Their Sass, and Feel Guilt-Free

Today's FREE Parenting Gift is a checklist of 10 verbally abusive things you might hear from your children. If you hear any of them or similar words, watch the parenting video below the checklist. It can help you stop the verbal abuse from your children by making the behavior changes you need.

To pick up Are Your Kids Spoiled? A Parenting Behavior Checklist:

Insert the word:


at http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp 

and download the checklist to get the help and respect you deserve.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Stop Spoiling Your Kids - 6 Parenting Tips Video

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Over-indulging Kids Turns Them into Weak Characters.

When parents give too much and expect too little, they raise spoiled children. Their parenting love is out of control. They make themselves into doormats and their offspring selfish and weak.

7 Problems with Entitled Kids

  1. They think they're the boss.
  2. They can be rude.
  3. They're never satisfied.
  4. They verbally attack parents.
  5. They whine when they don't get their way.
  6. They want more.
  7. They aren't grateful.

5 Ways Parents of Pampered Kids Feel

  1. They feel like doormats - walked on.
  2. They explode with anger.
  3. They experience guilt when their kids act badly.
  4. They whine and sound weak.
  5. They confuse giving-in with love.

Today's Brief YouTube Video Shares 6 Ways to Stop Indulging Kids

It takes courage and determination to be a consistent parent. Why? Because youngsters will try hard to stop their parents from changing. It won't be pretty. But the improvement in their child's attitude and behavior will be worth the parenting effort. One more thing, Parents will take their true role as leaders and trainers and their children will feel more secure.

Please watch The Spoiled Child - 6 Practical Parenting Solutions

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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12 Parenting Tips - Getting Strong-Willed Children to Cooperate

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Your Strong Minded Kid Can Learn!

IS YOUR CHILD UNREASONABLE when he's in a dark mood? Does he want everything his own way? If he's   a closed-minded child with a one-track mind, you're probably raising a stubborn kid. When you feel worn-down with his determined “No's,” don't give up.

Today, we'll examine 7 typical comments parents hate to hear, 5 common behaviors of headstrong children, 12 parenting problems, and 12 positive parenting solutions.

Find out how to encourage your youngster to open his mind, to listen, and see more points of view than his own. Learn the mistakes to avoid and the solutions to choose, Read More...


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Changing Stubborn Behavior - 5 Top Parenting Tips

.Mother and children
You CAN Help Your Stubborn Child Learn to Cooperate!

POWER STRUGGLES WITH CHILDREN INCREASE PARENTING STRESS. If you're raising a stubborn strong-minded child, you can get relief. 

The parenting video below offers 5 effective skills for turning contrary kids into cooperative children.

Imagine the good feelings of being in charge, of raising children who listen, cooperate, and who love chatting with you. It can happen.

Please watch this brief video and copy the transcript below it to capture the 5 parenting solutions. You can start using them today.


The Stubborn Child - 5 Positive Parenting Solutions


Stubborn Girl SMALL
Helping Her Become a Family Team Member

Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel to be the first to receive all my video parenting tips and tools.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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The Mouthy Child: Gift - 9 Best Parenting Answers

Sass is dead if you say, "Stop sassing me!"              

Mom hands stopping
Stop Sassing Me!

Then you must show you mean it by following  through with consequences. The trick is to catch your child being rude as soon as she starts becoming sarcastic. Don't let it become a habit because it will be more difficult to change. Not impossible but more difficult.

You'll also need to ask your child to think ahead and tell you how he will respond in the future to avoid the sass. Insist on an answer. If your child refuses, use a consequence. 

Reacting to Rudeness

Don't return the sarcasm by saying, “I see you're rolling your eyeballs again. Did you ever find a brain back there?” Sarcastic replies invite volleys of mean-spirited sass. You want to cut it off not rev it up.

Make your goal to model respectful behavior when reacting to your child's obnoxious retorts. Make sure you look and feel in control of yourself even if you need to let time pass before you respond.

Responding to Sassiness:

Our parenting gift offers 9 answers to sassy sarcasm that you can easily use. If your youngster needs a stronger consequence, consider not doing something he wants you to do or taking something away that fits his sarcasm.

Pick up your gift, 9 Best Parenting Responses to a Mouthy Child at:


  and insert the word, MOUTHY.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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7 Parenting Consequences: for Children's Misbehavior

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Logical Consequences Can Solve Problems

A LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE IS THE PENALTY you give your children for their misbehavior. It is logical because it makes sense. It fits the “crime.”

Here Are Some Illogical Consequences When Kids Sass:

1. Weed the garden.

2. Clean the garage.

3. Mow the grass.

These discipline solutions are illogical because they are not connected to sassing. Although you might like your garden weeded, your grass mowed, and your garage cleaned, none of these fit the misbehavior.  

Here’s the Discipline Problem:

How can you think of a logical consequence when you need it? Some corrections for misconduct are difficult to come up with on the spot. What can you do?

A Simple Discipline Solution:

Say, “I need some time to think of an appropriate solution. I’ll let you know later.” This is better than yelling and sounding out of control. Besides, if you scream, your child can blame you for hollering.

Instead, give yourself time to think and give your child time to reflect on what he’s done.

Here’s an Easy Discipline Consequence:

Tell your child to write down what she did wrong, why it was wrong, and what she should have done. When she’s done, ask her to apologize. This helps her think about her problem behavior, consider the right thing to do, and say, “I’m sorry.”

Parenting Gift: 7 Fair Discipline Strategies

If you’d like 7 more consequences that use few words, a firm voice and no arguing, pick up this parenting gift.

Mom bigstock-happy-young-family-10247795
Get Your Parenting Gift Now!


Insert the code word: FAIR at http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp

I suggest downloading it and adding it to your parenting binder to use whenever you need it.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Your Best Discipline Style for Raising a Confident Child + Video

Happy family best
Calm Rational Discipline Raises Confident Loving Children

RAISING SELF-RELIANT CHILDREN includes caring and discipline. The discipline must be reasonable. But how can you act calm and steady when you want to yell and scream? How can you act rationally when you're upset?

The brief video below will show you how to teach your children self-regulation by regulating yourself. It will give you the mindset you'll need for correcting their misbehavior, taming their emotions, and increasing their confidence.

Children who learn to regulate themselves do better in school and make more friends. Your wise discipline will help them govern themselves and become people of character.

The video is entitled, How Loving Parents Can Discipline Children.

You can watch it on YouTube and copy the script below it in the "Show More" section or you can sit back and watch this effective parenting method here.


If you haven't joined my YouTube Channel, and want to see all the parenting tips, click on Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Discipline Tips: 7 Parenting Strategies

ARE YOU SPOILING YOUR CHILD? Is she getting everything she wants and treating you badly.To get her to change, you may need to change first.

Discipline Strategies Can Help!

Today you'll hear the story of an overindulged child who gave her mother sneers, sharp words, and sass. She was a client. I've change the incidentals to protect her privacy. You'll hear her words, her mother's confusion, 7 typical insults, a Kind and Firm Discipline Method along with 7 strategies to get you started.

Click here to find out the 7 Easy Strategies to Help Change Your Child's Misbehavior


For more specific parenting tips, get:


It includes:

  • Over 40 typical childhood misbehaviors
  • 3 consequences for each problem
  • All the solutions are kind, firm, and consistent

Pick it up at: Discipline Tips for Parents

You'll be in control of your emotions and get the respect you want. Your positive parent/child relationship will grow.


7 Easy Strategies to Help Change Your Child's Behavior - See more at: http://www.kidsdiscuss.com/feature_article.asp?fa_id=179#sthash.Mcx1hJ9t.dpuf

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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5 Positive Discipline Tips to Give Your Child Wings


Positive Discipline Helps Kids Fly

If you’re looking for discipline advice with a spiritual outlook, you’re in the right place. Our parenting skills expert, Gigi Schweikert, is here to share 5 solid principles suited to any parent’s beliefs. She is the author of There’s a Perfect Little Angel in Every Child.

First, Gigi will share what ‘little angels’ really look like, how to view their misbehavior, and reveal 5 solid discipline practices.

Does Your Perfect Child Look Like This?

Gigi says “Yes” even when their haloes appear a bit crooked.

1. Kids leave the cupboards wide open.

2. They splash in puddles with their green frog-eyed boots.

3. They forget to do their homework.

4. They cover their faces with mommy’s make-up.

5. Their hands are filthy from digging earthworms.

6. They leave cookie crumbs on the kitchen counter.

7. Their coloring marathons leave marks everywhere.

How to Find the Angel in Your Child

Because children are always learning by exploring, experimenting, and testing your limits, Gigi tells us to:

1. Remember your children’s beauty when they’re asleep.

2. See them through the eyes of wonder.

3. Appreciate their limitless energy.

4. Admire their creativity.

5. Smile at their constant testing behavior.

As parents we have the privilege to guide these wonderful children to be the best they can be. That means turning off our super critical eye to their manners, behavior, or odd wardrobe colors and turn on our positive discipline skills.

Why Parents Must Discipline:

  • To help children develop good behaviors
  • To guide them  in understanding the differences between right and wrong
  • To encourage them to make positive choices

If children learn these things when they're young, they’ll more likely choose well  when they’re adults.

Gigi says, “Discipline is not negative; it’s not mean; it’s not punishment. Rather, discipline is everything we do, say, and teach our children in order to grow them up to be wise, caring, and socially responsible adults. Discipline is, quite simply, raising our children.” (From page 9)

5 Solid Discipline Practices

1. Time Out – one minute for each of your child’s years.

2. Use a loud voice like ‘STOP!’ to prevent danger.

3. Pull over and stop the car when they’re fighting.

4. Get your child’s attention by looking at them at eye-level.

5. Stop what you’re doing when they misbehave. Go to them with a serious look and stance.

These are just a few of the multitude of ideas Gigi shares for guiding your child.


I believe Gigi helps us see the bigger picture. We want our children to become loving responsible people. If we look at them through the eyes of love, work on our patience, and discipline wisely, we'll be good parents and they'll become the fine adults they were meant to be.

Pick up

There's a Perfect Little Angel in Every Child: How to Discipline Your Child with Love and Patience

Cover Perfect Little Angel

Available at


Gigi Schweikert presents workshops at the local, state, and national levels to parents, teachers and corporations. Let's THANK Gigi for sharing her knowledge with us today as a leader in the early childhood education field.

Author Gigi Schweikert

    Gigi Schweikert


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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