Family Vacations - 15 Conversations for Carefree Travelers



Conversation starters are perfect for vacations. Children get to speak, and you get to hear what they really think. Your kids get to hear what you think too.

Boy watch time
"One, Two, Three -GO!"


Time how long each person speaks. One minute is good for starters. 

Rule: No interrupting!

The first speaker picks his conversation from an envelope (see below). No peeking!


Boy 800
This child is thinking before he speaks.



The timer starts only when the speaker starts. When the speaker is finished, the group may ask him questions or give their opinions.

He then chooses the next person to speak. (Make sure everyone has a turn.)



This girl is visualizing her answer first.


If a member wants their turn to be a previous person’s topic, time them for one minute. Then that person picks the next speaker.


Mom is thinking whether to answer this question or the
previous one.


Note. The group can use the same conversation opener for everyone. Otherwise, each member can pick their own conversation. .


Dad is smiling as he thinks.


Put the Conversation Starters in an envelope, purse, or backpack. Make them easy to find.

Whether you're going on a trip, a car ride, or a fun night at home, use these conversation openers. They're a great way to feel warm and cozy as a family. Remember, if f your having fun, your doing it right.

Get all 15 conversations starters. Insert code: CAR and download at  - They're FREE!


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy

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How Parents Promote Learning and Avoid Being Pushy

Homework-Dad-Yelling 758
Turning Pushy Parents into Motivators


ANGRY PARENTS CAN'T MOTIVATE KIDS TO STUDY. Why?  Because kids get discouraged, some cry. Others shrink with fear. Still others rebel. Their minds can't focus on schoolwork because painful emotions take over when parents are angry. 

Bribing kids to study only works if the bribe is big enough. Kids ask, "What will I get?" They miss the point.  Studying develops their learning, their minds, their inner discipline, and their inner satisfaction. Do these benefits sound too lofty ? They aren't and you'll see why.

How can you help your child learn without becoming an angry "PPP" (pushy, picky, parent)?


Homework Mom and Son 700
Motivated Kids Love to Learn


It's easy really. Have some special time with your child. A dinner out or a family dinner where everyone is relaxed is ideal. Bedtime discussions or long car rides are good too. Keep the mood positive and NO interrogating by asking:

  1. Did you finish your homework?
  2. Did you get it in on time?
  3. When are you going to show it to me? 
  4. Why didn't you get it done last week?
  5. Why is it so sloppy?

There is a better approach. I call it "investigating."

You'll find it in my one-minute video on YouTube, which you can watch right here. Beneath the video on YouTube is the simple transcript with it's motivating attitude and questions. Feel free to copy it and add it to your 3-hold binder and use whenever you need it. 

Watch Now!

How Parents Motivate Children's Brain Power

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Deal with Childhood Boredom - 10 Ways

Bored girl
Helping Bored Kids Become Interested Children


BUILDING KIDS’ INTERESTS STARTS WITH ASKING THE QUESTIONS THEY LOVE TO ANSWER. Good questions create a bond between you and your child. With these questions you’ll find out:

  • How they feel about boredom
  • What blocks their curiosity
  • What they’d really like to learn
  • What fills them with wonder
  • How you can help them satisfy their curiosity


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Curious Kids Have More Fun


After you hear the answers to the 10 discussions, You’ll know what fascinates your children. This helps them overcome boredom. You can then support and nurture their quest for knowledge by:

  • Suggesting they ‘Google’ the information they seek
  • Taking them to the library
  • Asking about and listening to their research
  • Praising their efforts to learn more
  • Suggesting they share their knowledge with grandparents and friends.
Asian Girl (2) 483
"I Love Discussing My Interests."


Pick up today’s gift with the 10 discussions that your children love exploring.

Add them to a 3-hole binder to ask whenever needed.

Enter code:





and download now!


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Raise Bright Curious Children - A Video

Asian Girl Flower
Curious Kids Love to Learn

PARENTING A CURIOUS CHILD IS A SOURCE OF JOY. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th United States President, had severe asthma. He couldn't run and play with other kids. One day while watching the children, some nearby bugs caught his eye. He used his observations to write his first of 35 books. He was nine years old. Theodore was a curious child. Sickness couldn't stop his desire to learn. His intellect  a source of joy for his parents, was never dull.

Curious children are fascinated by the world around them. But some kids lack interests. They say, "I'm bored," and expect others to entertain them. Parents can get trapped into suggesting multiple activities. All of which are rejected. How can parents turn a bored kid into a curious child?

In today's video we'll share 9 questions like:

  • What does boredom feel like?
  • How could a kid stop boredom?
  • What would you like to know more about?

We hope your child doesn't like being bored and has overcome it at some time. The other questions pursue possible interests, wonder, losing track of time because of curiosity, etc.

This video also shares self-talk rhymes to inspire curiosity and a poem about a boring boy, "The Uncurious Kid", who lacked interests until he followed his mom's advice.

 How Parents Raise Smart Curious Kids




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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift for Creative Parents – Children's Poem to Discuss



Sunshine Girl Brighter
You Can Help Your Child Choose "The Bright Side"


NEGATIVE THINKING IS A DARK CLOUD THAT HOLDS US BACK from making friends, hurts our chances of success, and makes us feel gloomy. Positive thinking, is a light and cheerful feeling that attracts friends, success, and feels happy. 

Use this creative discussion poem with your children to let go of hopeless thoughts and embrace positive thinking.

In just 4 short stanzas you'll discover topics to discuss like:

  1. Judging others. 
  2. Negative thoughts. 
  3. Moaning and groaning. 
  4. Excuses, blaming, acting cross.

Each verse reinforces solutions to negative behaviors like:

  1. Expanding your heart.
  2. Smiling and laughing.
  3. Being kind and cheerful.
  4. Encouraging others.

Discuss this poem as a friendly chat 

Find out your child's thoughts by asking:

  1. What do you think about judging others to bring them down?
  2. How do you think negative thoughts push others away?
  3. How do moaning and groaning poison people's minds?
  4. How do excuses, blaming and active cross affect family and friends?
  5. Would you like to live on the "bright side?" Why? 

Pick up your poetry gift - "On the Bright Side"  and Insert the code:



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: How to Teach Kids Gratefulness



Listen to Your Child
Teach The Gratitude Review to Your Child


The power of gratitude shapes positive thoughts. Upbeat thinking promotes a happier heart. If you’d like to raise an optimistic child, consider The Gratitude Review as a bedtime activity. It’s so easy.

The Simple Method for Increasing Gratitude:

At bedtime ask, “What happened today that you’re grateful for?”

Give your child time to think. Make sure it’s something that’s completely positive. If she says,

“I had fun playing soccer during recess but when it was over…”

The word ‘but’ tells you something unpleasant is about to follow. Help her practice finding pleasant events that started and ended with a satisfying experience.

This Bedtime Exchange Helps Parents and Children:

  1. Develop closeness.
  2. Discuss positive daily events.
  3. Share happy feelings.
  4. End the day on a joyful note.
  5. Sleep with happy memories.

5 more simple activities are my gift to you. Pick the ones that fit for your family at:  6 Parenting Activities    or and insert the code word:


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Solutions: Turning Pessimistic Kids into Positive Children

OPTIMISTIC KIDS LOOK FORWARD TO PLEASANT EVENTS. How can you instill this practice in your children? Each day ask your child to make a "Morning Forecast."

If your child smiles a lot, chances are she’s a positive thinker. But if she pouts, her gloomy face, down-turned lips, and sullen frowns reveal her darker thoughts. Can you help her change? Certainly!

In today's article, you’ll find 5 toxic thinking behaviors to overcome, 6 behaviors to promote in yourself, 7 positive activities to teach your kids, and a children’s poem to discuss with your youngsters.

As you can see, The Morning Forecast is so easy. The other activities are easy too. Why not find out more ways to promote positive attitudes in your loved ones? If you do, your child will be happier, make more friends, and be able to influence others in good ways. Your family will benefit too. What have you got to lose? Why not turn your moody kid into a happier person?

Negative Girl SMALL
Moody Kids Have Darker Thoughts


You'll find today's article at:

The Positive Child: 18 Top Parenting Tips and Tools

 or at:    


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Honest Kids: 7 Top Benefits for Truthful Children

Boy discussing honest with mom SMALL
Honest Discussions Help Kids Build


WHEN PARENTS DISCUSS THE VALUE OF TRUTHFULNESS, youngsters understand why honesty is so important. Most children have told lies and already know that lying causes pain. As the parent, you can remind your child of 3 painful problems they may have experienced.

3 Dishonesty Problems:

  1. Being distrusted
  2. Feeling guilty
  3. Worrying about being caught

Ask your child, "Can you think of more problems that telling a lie can cause?"

Today’s gift shares 7 positive outcomes when children tell the truth. Use them for your parent/child discussions too.

Sample Questions to Ask Your Child:

  1. Can you remember a time when you told the truth and it felt good?
  2. Do friends trust you? Why?
  3. Why does a clean conscience help you sleep?
Boy Sleeping SMALL
Honest Kids Sleep Well


Your Parenting Gift:

 Why not add it to your 3-hole binder to pull out and use again whenever you need it?

To get more thoughtful discussions that promote truth telling: 

Click on:

Truthful Kids

and insert the code word: OUTCOMES


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Raise Kids with a Healthy Conscience - 5 Discussions


Blaming Boy Shrugging
Help Your Kids Think about Honesty 

Discussing dilemmas is a powerful way to help kids to think about right and wrong. With dilemmas, your child has the chance to pretend someone else has the problem and come up with a solution.

In today's parenting gift, you'll find 5 child dilemmas to ask your child. 
His task is to think of answers that would help kids in the dilemma have a clean conscience. Listen well. Have fun with the problems by asking some questions of your own.

Here's an example:

Black Dad Discussing SMALLERJPG
Bonding with Parent and Child Discussions


Your best friend lied to your friends about his dad being a millionaire. Most of the kids knew it wasn't true and are calling him a liar. Now he's embarrassed and doesn't want to face them.

  1. Will you remain his friend? Why?
  2. What's the best way for him to correct his lie?
  3. Why is being truthful the best policy?

Of course, you can ask whatever questions are best for your child. Remember, your goal is to help him think clearly and choose honesty.

Download your gift and add it to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it.

Pick it up at: How Parents Promote a Healthy Conscience by inserting the word: DILEMMAS


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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10 Parent-Child Discussion Questions about Honesty - Your Parenting Gift


Honest Discussion SMALL
How a Parent's Good Listening Skills Promote Honesty


If you want to raise and honest child and you’re not sure how, don’t worry. Here are 10 questions you can use for a friendly discussion. Get her ideas before you share any of your own. We call this a baseline because you’ll know where to start if you feel she’s not quite on the right track. 

Be open, listen well, and avoid harshly criticizing her thoughts and answers. Criticism will shut her down.  Then your ability to influence her toward honesty will shrink drastically. Be kind in your approach.

I suggest you take one question a week to discuss at dinner, in the car, or at bedtime. You might think lecturing is faster but if your child clams up, how will you know she accepts your lecture. Many kids tune out or rebel when being told what to do or how to think.

You can open your child up when she knows you’re really listening. She’ll want to know you care about her ideas. These 10 discussion questions will help you and your child promote honesty.

Here are 2 sample questions:

  1. Why to children, who tell lies, lose friends?
  2. Why are children, with truthful reputations, liked and trusted.

Don’t forget to ask for examples from your child's own life.

Pick up:

10 Honest Discussion Questions to Help Your Child Choose the Truth

  by inserting the code word HONEST.

I suggest you copy it and add it to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it.


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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