Parenting Tips - Caring Kids Learn Charismatic Skills

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Parents Can Teach Kids Social Skills

CHILDREN  WITH SOCIAL SKILLS AND CHARISMA AREN'T BORN THAT WAY. To be charismatic takes charm and you can teach it.

We're not talking about popularity, manipulation, or vanity. We're talking about the true inner charm that cares about others. It will help them grow socially too.

If you model charm to your children, they can learn it from you. There are 3 things all people want that come under the Umbrella of Attention. Give those to others and you'll have charisma.

Use Sincere Eyes, Smiles, and Words with:

  1. Approval by looking for the good in your children and telling them what you see.
  2. Appreciation for the good things they do. "Thank you for..." or "I like the fact that you..."
  3. Affection using a touch, hug, pat on the back, kind word, kiss, or whatever is appropriate.

This is called the Triple A Formula. It is the best way to give what your child and others crave and that is, Attention.

Be a great listener. Hear what your children are saying. See how they're acting. Then try to understand how they're thinking and feeling.

Don't tell. Ask.

"How are you feeling?" Again be a great listener and repeat in your own words what they said. Here's why:

Charismatic listeners help others feel a real connection with them.

You want that with others and, especially, with your children.

Use these 3 tips, Approval, Appreciation, and Affection, as you ask your children the 6 parenting discussion topics in the following YouTube video. They will help your children develop the social skills they need to become the charismatic leaders of tomorrow.

Click on Socially Smart Kids - 6 Parenting Discussions with Children


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Charismatic Children Lead with Caring

Feel free to copy the discussion topics from the transcript below the video. Please leave me a comment too. I would love to hear from you.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Social Awareness Helps Kids - When Parents Guide + Video


Asian Family SMALLEST
Socially Smart Children Enjoy Friendships!

KIDS NEED FRIENDS! Youngsters who boss, brag, gossip, or are shy prevent the friendships that could help them grow. 

Parents can teach children how to make friends by using fun discussions. But teaching isn’t telling. Teaching is getting kids to think by asking thoughtful questions, listening well, and appreciating their good ideas.

This method helps your child know you care, opens them up to sharing their thoughts, and then listening to your good advice.

No criticism! It will shut your child down.

Today’s parenting video includes 6 meaty discussions to help kids see what goes into making friendships. Use one discussion idea a week. This will help them think more deeply about each topic.

Depending on your family schedule, you can have these chats at dinner, in the car, before bedtime, or whenever is good for everyone.

Think about the discussion idea ahead of time and develop your own friendly conversation questions.

Below the video you will see the script. Feel free to copy the discussion ideas and add them to a binder to use whenever you need them. Enjoy the family bond that comes from wholesome chats like these.

Please listen to this brief YouTube Video now,

Socially Smart Kids - 6 Parenting Discussions with Children at:


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Enjoy Your Family Bond with Good Discussions!


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Loving Families Promote Self-Esteem - a SlideShare Activity


Slideshare Happy Family Compliments

Many busy parents want fun-loving activities for building character and raising caring children. This brief SlideShare gives parents an easy way to teach kids to notice the good in each other. When youngsters are trained to search for, remember, and tell each other compliments, everybody wins.

Those who receive praise love hearing it. Those who give praise develop a positive mindset toward others. Positive thinkers live happier lives. They attract friendships and spread good will to others.

It is hoped that this activity will lessen tattling, blaming, and whining.

Below this SlideShare you can copy the short script to use as a guide. I suggest you add it to a binder to use whenever you need it.

Please watch it and share it on your social media sites.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Family Character: Simple Activity Strengthens Relationships


Happy Family SMALL

When children feel like they belong to a loving family team, they experience inner security and confidence. Today's parenting gift shares an easy bonding activity. It helps family members develop a strong foundation with solid roots.

You'll be asking your family, "What do you want our family to be like?" To get the family discussion going you'll find 12 suggestions. Everyone should get a chance to share their ideas.

When you have a list of ideas, take a family vote and pick the top 6 suggestions. Choose someone to print them out and post them on the fridge or put them in a picture frame with a family photo as a reminder.

Challenge the family members to notice these qualities in each other as they occur.

Feel free to download this parenting gift to use whenever it is needed.

Pick it up at and insert the keyword:


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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12 Parenting Tips - Getting Strong-Willed Children to Cooperate

Boy crossed arms SMALL
Your Strong Minded Kid Can Learn!

IS YOUR CHILD UNREASONABLE when he's in a dark mood? Does he want everything his own way? If he's   a closed-minded child with a one-track mind, you're probably raising a stubborn kid. When you feel worn-down with his determined “No's,” don't give up.

Today, we'll examine 7 typical comments parents hate to hear, 5 common behaviors of headstrong children, 12 parenting problems, and 12 positive parenting solutions.

Find out how to encourage your youngster to open his mind, to listen, and see more points of view than his own. Learn the mistakes to avoid and the solutions to choose, Read More...

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift: Poetic Advice Child Leaders Must Learn

Bossy Leadership Poem
Learn the Secret to Becoming a Child Leader

NATURAL BORN CHILD LEADERS NEVER HEAR THIS, “You’re not the boss of me!” A child with leadership skills knows the secret within in our poem today. He knows bossiness doesn’t work. He also knows what the pushy child doesn't understand but can easily learn.

A True Leader

I remember a boy in elementary school named, Robert, who possessed this special ability. It worked so well that his fellow students made him their class president year after year.

When Robert entered a newly constructed high school, he became the student body president 3 years in a row. Today, I’ll share his secret with you through our simple poem.

Poetry Gift Includes:

This poetry gift comes with pictures and words to show what doesn’t work if your child wants to be a leader. The solution in the poem is easy and is the number one leadership skill your child must learn.

Who Can Be Leaders?

Can a shy child become a leader? Certainly! In fact, it may be easier for a shy child to come out of his shell than for a loud bossy kid to tone down his behavior.

What Is the Secret to Successful Leadership?

If you think the answer is “Listening” that’s only part of the answer. It all starts with a special kind of question.

Find out what that question is by downloading our gift at and by inserting the word CARING

Consider adding this poem to your 3-hole notebook to help your child whenever he or she needs it.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: 7 Childhood Behaviors that Get Kids Rejected


Bossy Boy
 Bossy Kids Are Annoying

WHY ARE BOSSY KIDS REJECTED? You’ll find 7 troublesome behaviors to help you decide if your child is bossy and why children exclude him in this parenting gift.

Watch your child interact with other children. Does he irritate others by doing this?

Behavior #5:

Is He Someone Who Tells Others What to Do?

Here are 3 reasons bossiness doesn't work:

1. Both adults and youngsters dislike being told what to do especially when they aren’t asking for advice. Why? They have their own thoughts and their own answers to their problems and don’t want to feel pushed by someone else.

2. Bossy kids like to take control and order others to do what they think is best. This doesn’t work because they can’t possibly know the other child’s complete thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Naturally their advice will be faulty.

3. When pushy students use a demanding voice it annoys classmates. Again, children resent being commanded to do another kid's bidding.

The Bossy Solution 

Boy on phone
What do you want to do?

If telling others what to do is one of your child’s problems, suggest he listen, empathize, and ask what the other child wants to do about the situation. This will help him be included and not excluded because he cares more about the other child's solutions than giving his own advice.

To learn the other 6 actions that bossy children do to get themselves rejected, go to

and insert the code word: BOSSY.

Add this Parenting Gift to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it. Share it with your children too. It could help them choose more acceptable behaviors now and throughout their lives.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: 6 Ways for Raising a Positive Child


Bright-eyed girl
You Can Raise "CAN DO" Kids

A resilient child gives joy to parents. She bounces back from disappointments and faces life with a special eagerness. She's willing to take on challenges and try new things. The, ‘Let me try,’ and ‘Can Do’ attitude make being with her so much fun.

Such children don’t happen by accident. You can do a lot to encourage your child's positive attitudes. Research tells us there are 6 goals that can help you in your parent/child day-to-day interactions.

This Parenting Communication Tip Helps Kids Regulate Emotions

Here is how to develop the 1st of 6 goals:

Talk with your child well after the tantrums, pouts, or moans and groans have passed. Then ask:

1. How do you feel about how you handled your disappointment?

2. Would you like to handle difficulties better?

3. How would you like to solve them better? (The best solutions come from your child because she is more likely to follow her own ideas. You can help her if she's stumped but don't force your suggestions.)

4. Listen well and paraphrase her answers.

5. Ask her to pick the idea she’d like to practice.

6. Compliment her every time she practices it.

To pick up the other 5 goals for developing resiliency in kids go to: Subscribers Gift and insert code: 6 GOALS

You'll receive 6 Best Goals for Raising Resilient Children.

Download it for FREE and add it to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Friendship Skills to Boost Your Child's Happiness


CB 4 Friendship Skills
Friends Make Me Happy!

 If you want to raise happy childen, teach them friendship skills. The good news is friendless youngsters can now learn exactly what to do. My new kindle book, Character Building Stories: Friendship Skills for Raising Happy Children + 75 Parenting Tips helps your kids get exactly what they want - FRIENDS!

Each character building story includes a cartoon character with a typical friendship problem. The character learns a simple social skill, motivating self-talk, and shows your child how to make friends.

Here's a Peek at 5 of the 20 Friendship Skills:

1. The Friendly Stretch - Rubber Band Ruby discovers the 'give-and-take' she must practice. If she doesn't stretch, she'll end up all alone.

2. The Eyeball Tactic - Eddie learns the power of eye contact as well as being a good sport.

3. The Laughter Law - Funny-Bones Fanny overcomes her fear of the spotlight and learns the power of humor for making friends.

4. The Upbeat Booster - Betty learns how to encourage others by encouraging herself.

5. The Praising Principle - Bentley, the Braggart, changes his focus and his words to gain the friends he longs for.

These social skills teach your children what they need for developing a friendlier personality that boosts confidence and attracts friends.

How Friendship Skills Promote Emotionally Intelligent Children:

You can raise your children's emotional intelligence with each story's discussions questions to:

. See things from another child's point of view

. Learn how to use a person's own name to grab their attention

. Notice and praise the good points in classmates

. Become a leader by thinking of fun things other kids like to do

. Find out the power of body language for attracting friends

Watch your  son or daughter put these these insights and skills into practice. And if they tell you what they really feel, you might hear them say, "I'm so happy."

Pick up Character Building Stories: Friendship Skills for Raising Happy Children + 75 Parenting Tips

  CB 4 Friendship Skills 

Available at

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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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Social Skills Parenting Expert Shares: What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Our social skills parenting expert, Vanessa Van Patten, knows something about emotional intelligence. Read her 3 ideas on why emotional intelligence is important and her 5 principles you can start teaching your kids today.

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Vanessa Van Petten

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the skill, capacity, or ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?

Emotional intelligence is an essential part of our day to day interactions and well-being. I think it is important in three major ways:

  1. Relationships With Others: Having a high emotional IQ helps individuals connect with others and develop deep, fulfilling relationships because they are able to read their companions, and then respond with empathy and compassion. Emotional skills are essential in working and friendly relationships.
  2. Personal Satisfaction and Contentedness: Emotional Intelligence is not only important for your interaction with others, but also for personal well-being. People who are better able to express themselves and distinguish their own emotions–whether that is guilt, anger, fear or even jealousy, are typically happier in life. They also can gauge their well-being and how they can improve it much more easily.
  3. Worldview: Emotional Intelligence helps us be empathetic and compassionate. Our emotional button is often what drives us to help another human being whether that is a homeless person on the street or giving a hand to our mother struggling with the groceries. Those who have low emotional intelligence have trouble giving back and understanding the world around them.

Emotional Intelligence and Teens and Kids

Emotional Intelligence is incredibly important for children and families. Especially as we enter a technological age, emotional skills are becoming less important and therefore less practiced. Children are spending less time with their parents and their peers talking about emotions, or attempting to read and gauge others emotions. Instead, they ‘read’ emotions through text, email, chat or Facebook status updates. Because of this, we must begin to teach our children how to have emotional intelligence skills.

One of my most popular talks for parents and students is emotional and social intelligence. Here are the principles I teach, so you can talk about them in your home or classroom. These are concepts I have pulled together from a variety of the best resources on Emotional Intelligence and then specialized for families, parents, teachers, teens and kids.

  • Self-awareness: This is when the person has the ability to read their own emotions and recognize their impact.
  • Self-management: Once a parent, teen or teacher has identified an emotion they are having. They have to learn to control it or make decisions based on it. Self-management is the ability to use intuition or gut feelings to guide decisions based on their emotions. For teens especially, it involves controlling one’s emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances of their environment.
  • Perceiving Emotions: This is the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural symbols.
  • Social Awareness: This is the ability to sense, understand, and react to others’ emotions while comprehending social status, standing and where you are in your social network of people. Actually, teens are quite good at this because social hierarchy often matters the most in High School. The key is tying their heightened social awareness to their self-awareness and then making positive relationship management decisions.
  • Relationship Management: This is the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while successfully avoiding or managing conflict. This is an essential part of emotional intelligence for parents and teens. For teens, in incidents with bullying or issues with parents, they have to be able to effectively handle problems without creating conflict. Parents also have to successfully approach and navigate with surly or overly-dramatic teens using emotional intelligence skills.

When teaching this to students, you want to explain each area of emotional intelligence. Then you can discuss examples of each area to help teens or kids identify when this happens in their own life. Luckily, emotional intelligence is absolutely a skill that can be taught. As you discuss EQ with your family or students, apply it on a day to day basis so they can work on the areas they need most help in. Often times, as soon as they are aware that ‘feelings’ are a part of being ‘intelligent’ they are excited and enticed to learn more about themselves and how they interact with those around them.

Connect with Vanessa and this article at

How Do You Teach Emotional Intelligence to Your Kids?

Please comment in the comment link below.  Don't forget to add your email so I can send you 101 Jokes from Kids and for Kids. Imagine the laughter and the friends your kids will make with their fun sense of humor. Use these jokes at dinner time too.

 With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS  website at:

Another Gift:

Sign up for this Parenting Skills Blog at  and receive this FREE Gift - 33 Expert Ways to Motivate Your Kids