How Parents Help Kids Love to Learn

Curious Girl 900 (2)
Parents Can Promote Curiosity in Kids


How do we keep the wonderful curiosity that crawling babies possess alive?

They creep toward toys, put objects in their mouths, pull on mom’s earrings. Everything is interesting to them. But they can lose it.

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Babies Explore with Delight



I remember a frustrated second grade teacher asking me to observe 3 of her students. None of them would try. "I don’t know," was their only answer to the easiest of questions. I knew something had happened between infancy and childhood because their curiosity spark had died. Parents, don’t let this happen to your children. There are solutions.

Spoiled Michael
Find Out How to Get Kids Excited about Learning Again


In this article you’ll find how to keep your child’s enthusiasm alive with:

  1. 10 questions that encourage a passion for seeking answers.
  2. 10 ways to promote learning and 7 ways to block interest.
  3. 9 self-talk mottoes to increase your child’s wonder.
  4. 1 poem, ‘The Uncurious Kid’ who changed his life using Google



  1. Boy with fireflies 900
    Curious Kids Want to Learn


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Empathy Training for Kids - 8 Simple Parenting Discussions

Asian Girl Smiles SMALL
Kids Understand Feelings When Parents Help

THIS PARENTING GIFT HELPS CHILDREN EXPERIENCE EMPATHY. It includes 8 discussion questions for building character through friendly chats.

Consider discussing a new question once each week because it will give your child time to reflect and practice caring skills. Dinners, car rides, and bedtimes are perfect for these discussions. Use words like:

1. Would you explain a little more? 

2. I like how you think.

3. How did you come to think that way?

4. Do you have any examples?

5. How do your thoughts match your actions? 

Don’t lecture your child on what to think. Rather, find out what he thinks and why. Accept his ideas without arguing. You can add your thoughts later by also answering the questions in today's gift.

Remember, if you force your ideas, your child may get stubborn and rebel against them.

Black Boy Mouth SMALL
Friendly Chats Help Kids Care about Others


Pick up 8 Discussion Questions: 

Insert the code word EMPATHY at and start building character today. 

Imagine your feelings when your child cares about others and treats them with respect. You'll know you're parenting well and that your discussions are powerful.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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19 Powerful Brain Mottoes Parents Can Teach Children

Moms and 2 kids SMALL

POSITIVE SLOGANS ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO DO THEIR BEST AT HOME AND IN SCHOOL. Imagine a way to promote brain power in your kids. Jingles, slogans, and mottoes do just that. They become well-traveled paths in your child's brain when repeated over and over.

Slogans can pop into your child's mind when they're least expected and when they're needed the most. A good slogan can inspire your child to keep trying. It can help expand his intelligence too.

In this parenting gift you will find 19 jingles for your child to choose from. Here are 3 examples:

  • Like a strong muscle, my brain likes to hustle.
  • Son of a gun, problems are fun.
  • I'm the guy who likes to try.

Can you see how these slogans, when repeated often, could motivate your child to do her best? Children with great attitudes can become great people who accomplish good things. Why not give your kids the gift of mottoes that encourage their positive mindsets?

Smart Indian Girl Small

One more thing, encourage your kids to repeat them out loud, post them where they will see them, or create a bookmark with their favorite slogan.

Click on Parenting Gift Poem and insert the word SLOGAN. Then download the Brain Power Poem with 19 slogans.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Kids Think Smart When Parents Help


Mom and Daughter reading SMALL
Parents CAN Guide Their Child's Intelligence

GETTING KIDS TO THINK CLEARLY CAN BE LEARNED. Making mistakes can be positive. Self-talk can motivate. But how?

Today's brief slide share presentation offers parents 6 big ideas with18 ways to encourage children to appreciate their powerful brains and use them well.

Why not have fun helping your child use her brain effectively? Asking the right kind of questions will get her thinking. You'll find out how she solves problems. From there you'll able to correct thinking difficulties and help her appreciate her brain power.

Getting kids to exercise their brains is easier than you think. When you listen well to their answers and praise their good ideas, your youngsters will grow.

Smart boy looking SMALL
You CAN Boost His Intelligence


Feel free to copy the script below the slide presentation. Add it to your binder and use it when needed.

6 Powerful Parenting Tips - Smart Attitudes, Questions, and Slogans

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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7 Family Discussion Questions Boost Kids' Self-Image

Family Reading SMALL

Praise or criticism, which motivates kids to do their best? Too much criticism often makes people bitter not better. Research advises us to give 3-6 compliments for every negative comment because kind remarks help lessen the sting from complaints.

If you must disapprove of your child’s behavior, there are 3 rules:

  1. Do it privately.
  2. Be brief, no lectures.
  3. Suggest a positive behavior or solution.

Goal for Giving Praise

You don’t want your child to live for other people’s approval. A nickname for pure approval seekers is "Love Slob."No one wants to hear their child called a "Love Slob."

Your goal in using praise is to increase your child’s inner motivation which means they do their best because that’s their positive self-image. It’s who they know they are.

Use our gift today which includes the poem, “I Caught You Being Good Today,” by downloading, discussing, and getting your children to answer the 7 discussion questions.

If you do, you’ll find out:

  1. How criticism feels to your children.
  2. Whether they notice each others mistakes more than their good qualities.
  3. What would motivate them the most, criticisms or compliments.
  4. If they’d like to focus on the good in each other more often.
  5. How they’d like to share with each member the good they see.
Girl Walking Dog SMALL
"You walked the dog around the block."


You’ll also have access to the short video, Confident Kids – A Powerful Parenting Tool.

Pick up your parenting present at: Subscribers' Gifts by inserting the Code Word:


I suggest you keep this parenting gift in a folder to use whenever you need it.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Whining and Whimpering - 6 Positive Parenting Solutions


Whining girl SMALL
"You never let me do anything."

"YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!" is more than lyrics from a famous song. It's the common scream from parents of whiny children.

Whining works for kids when they hear parents say, "Oh, alright." Every time your child gets her way with whimpers and wails guarantees she'll use it the next time she wants something. So what can you do?

In today's video you'll find 6 positive parenting strategies to stop the whining. One solution involves the word "Freeze!" It's easy to use and could be just what you need.

Another answer uses the Mirror Method. Sometimes your child needs to see it to believe it.

The four other methods tell you what to say and do. 

Try them because the sooner the whining stops, the sooner you'll stop pulling your hair out. Your child will be learning better ways to ask for what she wants and there will be peace in your home.

Please enjoy this brief video on YouTube now:

Whiny Children: How Parents Stop the Nagging

Angry Mom

Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel and be the first to get her latest parenting videos. Please SHARE this video too. 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift for Parents: How Kids "Pitching In" Is a Leadership Skill

Boy helping
Helping Others Is the Key!

TO "PITCH IN" MEANS YOUR CHILD IS WILLING TO HELP. If you have a youngster who complains about tasks, his complaints can be a real drag at home and at school. How can you help him see the value of pitching in? Keep reading.

Real leaders don’t sit around basking in their leadership titles. True heads see the bigger picture and take action. One of their most important behaviors is to help others. How does this apply to your girl or boy?

The leadership attitude begins at home. To get children to help around your house, you might:

1. Use the phrase, “First this and then that…” First pick up your toys, and then we’ll play a board game (or whatever the motivating activity is). These powerful words avoid the complaining you detest and they increase your child’s willingness to help.

2. Find ways to compliment your child:

    "I appreciate the effort you made to complete your homework."

    "I like how you straightened your sheet before you finished making your bed."

    "Thank you for entertaining your baby brother while I fixed dinner."

    Children love honest compliments and appreciation.

3. Use stars and charts for a visual reminder of his or her helpfulness.

4. Create warm chats about leadership outside the home. Advise him to help his friend, a neighbor,  or look around his classroom and see what needs to be done like:

    Picking up toys when he and his friend have finished playing with them.

    Helping a pal with a task he needs to finish before he can play.

    Asking his teacher if he can clean the paint brushes after school.

    A child with an eye to seeing the bigger picture, the willingness to help, and then pitching in, is a leader in action.

Girl Helping Boy SMALL
Willingness to Help Is Leadership!

5. Ask your child to let you know when she helped others and increased her leadership skills. You are her confidant and guide. She’ll want you to know.

Your gift today lists 7 leadership skills. Find out what the other 6 are. Then think about how you can promote them in your child. If you do, you’ll be building her character and she’ll enjoy the good feeling of being an involved helper and leader.

Why not download all the leadership skills and put them in a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need them?

Click on and insert the code word, LEAD. Then download your gift.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift : 5 Resilient Parenting Tips for a "Can Do" Attitude

Mother holding girls hand
Believe in Your Child

If you’re a concerned parent wanting to turn your child’s poor outlook into a happy “I CAN” mindset, keep reading.

Parents who nurture a resilient attitude in their children do some very specific behaviors. They avoid name-calling and foster mutual respect. Their methods are fun, interesting, and rewarding. They're easy too. The following gift includes 5 definite actions you can start using immediately.  

Let’s look at the first specific parenting behavior.

To Raise Your Youngster with a "Can Do" Spirit:

 1. Believe in your child.

Say it! “I believe in you,” and tell your youngster why. “I believe in you because…

 1.) You like doing your best. I just saw it when you dove off the diving board.

 2.) You practice your musical instrument without being told.

 3.) You’re friendly when you see kids you know.

If you look for the good in your child, you’ll find it. Then tell her that you believe in her and name the good you saw. Isn’t that easy?

To find out the other 4 specific parenting behaviors for raising a child with a “CAN DO” attitude pick up your parenting gift at:   and insert the code word



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: 6 Ways for Raising a Positive Child


Bright-eyed girl
You Can Raise "CAN DO" Kids

A resilient child gives joy to parents. She bounces back from disappointments and faces life with a special eagerness. She's willing to take on challenges and try new things. The, ‘Let me try,’ and ‘Can Do’ attitude make being with her so much fun.

Such children don’t happen by accident. You can do a lot to encourage your child's positive attitudes. Research tells us there are 6 goals that can help you in your parent/child day-to-day interactions.

This Parenting Communication Tip Helps Kids Regulate Emotions

Here is how to develop the 1st of 6 goals:

Talk with your child well after the tantrums, pouts, or moans and groans have passed. Then ask:

1. How do you feel about how you handled your disappointment?

2. Would you like to handle difficulties better?

3. How would you like to solve them better? (The best solutions come from your child because she is more likely to follow her own ideas. You can help her if she's stumped but don't force your suggestions.)

4. Listen well and paraphrase her answers.

5. Ask her to pick the idea she’d like to practice.

6. Compliment her every time she practices it.

To pick up the other 5 goals for developing resiliency in kids go to: Subscribers Gift and insert code: 6 GOALS

You'll receive 6 Best Goals for Raising Resilient Children.

Download it for FREE and add it to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Video – 5 Ways to Promote Resilience in Children


Boy with thinking finger
You Can Raise a Resilient Thinker!

CHILDREN WHO WHINE, BLAME, AND WALLOW IN SELF-PITY CAN LEARN TO bounce back from difficulties. This brief video offers 5 ways to inspire your child to become resilient.

One of the ways is to avoid telling your child exactly how to do something. Telling undermines his problem solving abilities and makes him dependent on what you think. What’s the better way?

Research tells us to ask “How Questions?” "How Questions" boost thinking power. Some examples include:

1. How would you like to solve it?

2. How many solutions can you come up with?

3. How could you handle it better?

There are as many ways to ask “How Questions” as there are problem solving situations.

To motivate your child and strengthen resilience, watch the video together by clicking on: How Parents Can Raise Resilient Children or watch it here:



Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and get all my videos’ tips and tools as soon as they are recorded. Subscribe here: 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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