This Mom Can't Listen - 5 Harmful Mistakes, 5 Easy Solutions
Parents, who cannot listen, are the worst communicators. They cannot teach effective communication because they don’t practice it.
Hey there! Are you someone who argues instead of listening to your child? Many parents do. Yet, listening is your most important parenting tool. Don't worry, if you decide to, you can always improve it. There are some habits you might have to brush aside before becoming a good listener.
Today I will share:
5 listening mistakes to avoid
5 simple listening habits to increase
1 simple formula for being your child's best counselor
3 fun listening activities for your family.
5 Harmful Listening Habits to Avoid as a Parent:
Do you ever:
- Interrupt your child?
- Discount your child's opinions?
- Dismiss your child's feelings?
- Criticize your child?
- Lecture your child?
Don't be overly concerned because here are 5 easy listening habits that you can use right now. They'll quickly improve your listening skills.
5 Listening Habits to Learn, Practice, and Model:
- Look your child in the eye.
- Focus on what they are saying.
- Remember the key points.
- Repeat those points in your words.
- Ask questions to better understand your child.
By practicing these skills, you'll become a better listener. You'll be teaching your child good communication skills too.
Become Your Child's Best Counselor:
Do you know why counselors are loved by their clients? It's because they are good listeners. They practice the 5 good habits. They also include the 70% Law of Communication, meaning, they listen 70% and speak 30%. As a parent, strive to speak less, listen more, and appreciate your child's thoughts and feelings. As you progress, notice how your relationship with your child strengthens. You'll become your child's best counselor too.
Here are 3 activities to make 'listening' a priority in your family:
3 Activities for Family Listening:
- Post a ‘Listening Habit of the Week’ on your refrigerator. Practice that habit in your home and outside your family. ‘Catch your children being good’ with a compliment when they listen well.
- The Morning Forecast: Tell your child, “Name something you’re looking forward to today.” The Evening Review: Ask, "What are some things you are grateful about today?"
- Create free time each day and turn off technology. Use this time to discuss both your day and your child's day. Practice the 70% Law.
Make 'Listening' a priority in your family. Listening Works!
Video - Short Clip - 1.11 minutes
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With warm wishes,
Jean Tracy
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