How Parents Promote Learning and Avoid Being Pushy

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Turning Pushy Parents into Motivators


ANGRY PARENTS CAN'T MOTIVATE KIDS TO STUDY. Why?  Because kids get discouraged, some cry. Others shrink with fear. Still others rebel. Their minds can't focus on schoolwork because painful emotions take over when parents are angry. 

Bribing kids to study only works if the bribe is big enough. Kids ask, "What will I get?" They miss the point.  Studying develops their learning, their minds, their inner discipline, and their inner satisfaction. Do these benefits sound too lofty ? They aren't and you'll see why.

How can you help your child learn without becoming an angry "PPP" (pushy, picky, parent)?


Homework Mom and Son 700
Motivated Kids Love to Learn


It's easy really. Have some special time with your child. A dinner out or a family dinner where everyone is relaxed is ideal. Bedtime discussions or long car rides are good too. Keep the mood positive and NO interrogating by asking:

  1. Did you finish your homework?
  2. Did you get it in on time?
  3. When are you going to show it to me? 
  4. Why didn't you get it done last week?
  5. Why is it so sloppy?

There is a better approach. I call it "investigating."

You'll find it in my one-minute video on YouTube, which you can watch right here. Beneath the video on YouTube is the simple transcript with it's motivating attitude and questions. Feel free to copy it and add it to your 3-hold binder and use whenever you need it. 

Watch Now!

How Parents Motivate Children's Brain Power

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Headstrong Kids - 5 Solutions in 1 Minute Video

Boy crossed arms
Power Struggles with Your Strong-Willed Child
Can Be Solved!

THINK OF HANDLING STUBBORN CHILDREN LIKE METAL BEADS AND A MAGNET. Your child's stubborn behaviors are the metal beads. Your reactions are the magnet. Each stubborn behavior can cause a swift and powerful clash if you let yourself explode with emotion. This doesn't have to happen.

Consider Using Logic by Asking Yourself 3 Questions:

1. What are the consequences to our relationship if I consistently blow-up?

       When I continually react with anger, his stubbornness hardens even more. Respect dies.

2. What are better ways of reacting to his stubbornness?

         I can use a kind, firm, and self-controlled voice.  With time and repetition, mutual respect could grow.

3. Are there specific ways to be the respectful parent and turn his headstrong behaviors into cooperative ones?

        If you draw a blank, watch our 1 minute video below. You'll find 5 solutions you can start using today.

Please remember, no parent is perfect. We all get over-stressed and lose our tempers. Don't get down on yourself if this happens to you. Just reconfirm your commitment to be a respectful parent.

One more thing, you CAN make the magnetic pull between you and your child into a pleasant and positive relationship.

Click on: Have a Headstrong Child? 5 Solutions


 To subscribe to my YouTube Videos, click on my face at the end of this video. To see my longer video on stubbornness click on the video in the upper left-hand corner.
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Thank you so much.With warm wishes,  

 Jean Tracy, MSS

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How Parents Help Kids Turn Toxic Thoughts into Healthy Attitudes

Boy Losing
   You CAN Help Your Child Think

NEGATIVE CHILDREN TURN FRIENDS OFF. If you’re worried about your child’s mindset and believe he’s struggling when it comes to success, satisfying friendships, and happiness, keep reading.

In today’s parenting gift you’ll understand poisonous thinking habits that hurt your child and simple solutions that help.

Get the answers to these 5 questions and start helping your child today.

Does Your Child:

  1. Choose to think on the dark side?
  2. Focus on his mistakes?
  3. Use words that exaggerate the negative?
  4. Reject compliments?
  5. Turn problems into mountains?

Imagine how you will you feel when his negativity turns into positive thinking?

Smiling Mom SMALL
Parenting Positive Children Feels


Use the positive tips within today’s gift.  Be sure and watch the video too. It holds 5 more specific keys for raising children with successful attitudes.

Don’t give up. Your child needs your patience and your guidance.

Pick up this gift today. Add it to your 3-hole binder and use it whenever you need it. Go to:


Subscriber Gifts

and insert the code word: TOXIC

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Honest Kids: 7 Top Benefits for Truthful Children

Boy discussing honest with mom SMALL
Honest Discussions Help Kids Build


WHEN PARENTS DISCUSS THE VALUE OF TRUTHFULNESS, youngsters understand why honesty is so important. Most children have told lies and already know that lying causes pain. As the parent, you can remind your child of 3 painful problems they may have experienced.

3 Dishonesty Problems:

  1. Being distrusted
  2. Feeling guilty
  3. Worrying about being caught

Ask your child, "Can you think of more problems that telling a lie can cause?"

Today’s gift shares 7 positive outcomes when children tell the truth. Use them for your parent/child discussions too.

Sample Questions to Ask Your Child:

  1. Can you remember a time when you told the truth and it felt good?
  2. Do friends trust you? Why?
  3. Why does a clean conscience help you sleep?
Boy Sleeping SMALL
Honest Kids Sleep Well


Your Parenting Gift:

 Why not add it to your 3-hole binder to pull out and use again whenever you need it?

To get more thoughtful discussions that promote truth telling: 

Click on:

Truthful Kids

and insert the code word: OUTCOMES


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Tips - Help Kids Choose Honesty and Overcome Guilt


Family 4 talking SMALL
Kids Respect and Trust Truthful Parents

LYING HURTS YOUR CHILD'S REPUTATION AND BREEDS DISTRUST.  If you're the parent of an elementary-age student, who has trouble telling the truth, can you remember a time when you told a falsehood? If it had bad consequences, can you remember your feelings? Were you plagued with guilt? Were you afraid to confess for fear of punishment? 

Lies can cause your child mental pain too. Today's article shares 7 fearful consequences from lying, 7 positive effects for being truthful, 6 honest strategies, 5 moral dilemmas for your child to solve, and 10 self-talk statements from which to choose. 


Children look up to parents with eager eyes and ears. They see and hear everything.  When parent's aren't truthful, kids learn about lying. When parents are truthful, kids trust and respect them. Use the tips in this article to model truthfulness and help your child.

3 Suggestions to Tell Your Child When He Is Ready to Admit His Mistakes:

1. "Avoid over-thinking about the action you are about to take. It might stop you from telling the truth." 
2. "Take 5 deep breaths right before admitting your lie. It will help you relax."
3. "Repeat a simple slogan like, “My truth is like gold when my honesty's bold,” because it could give you the courage you need."

Guilty boy SMALL
You CAN Help Him Choose Honesty and
Overcome Guilt

Read more:

The Honest Child - 35 Parenting Tips Teach Truthfulness


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Do Divorced Parents Love Their Children?


Cell phone girl SMALL
Children of Divorce Need Their Parents

Divorce crushes children when busy parents lose contact.  They wonder, "Did I cause my parents' divorce?" Their guilt can sink them into depression because they don't understand that the conflict is between their parents and not them. So how can loving parents continue to show they care?

Today our parenting gift includes 15 ways divorced parents can show love. They can lift your children up from the despair of divorce and keep you connected.

  • Number 1 tells what your child thinks when you talk against your ex.
  • Number 5 shares what to do when you need to make schedule changes.
  • Number 8 gives important advice about a parent's new boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Number 12 suggests what to do about gifts for your child.
  • Number 15 states what to say often to help your child. Maybe you can already guess.

Find out if you are right by going to Subscriber Gifts or 15 Loving Divorce Solutions and insert the word:


Please download now.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Brainwashing Kids: How Divorced Parents Show Caring

Angry boy SMALL
"Stop talking against my parent!"

DIRTY DIVORCE TACTICS INCLUDE TELLING YOUR CHILD MEAN THINGS ABOUT HIS OTHER PARENT. It's called "parental alienation." When you're deeply hurt by the divorce
, it's easy to do.

Let's face it, divorce wounds both parents and kids. Many parents want revenge. So they try to turn their children against the other parent. To get their children to love them best, they brainwash their kids to think poorly of the other parent with words like:

"Your father is a liar."

"Your mother doesn't care about you."

"Your dad is lazy."

"Your mom is selfish."

Whatever is said has the power to influence their children. It goes inside their hearts and minds and makes them feel confused, angry, and sad. They may even begin to agree with the complaining parent. Their respect for the complainer turns sour too.

Today we'll share an article with a child's divorce story about feelings and another story about a father's unrealistic demands. You'll find 7 common childhood reactions to a parent's divorce, 10 big mistakes divorced parents make, and 15 ways to avoid brainwashing and show your child love.

Close eared girl SMALL
"I won't listen to you!"

To read more:

Click on Divorced Parents: How Loving Parents Stop Child Brainwashing


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Children and Divorce Video: 6 Parenting Tips

Worried Girl SMALL
Helping Your Child Cope with Divorce


If your parents divorced when you were young, did they know how to help you? If yes, you were fortunate. If no, is the pain still with you?

Perhaps you still block out fights between your parents or maybe you remember wondering, "What will happen to me?"

Many children think they caused the divorce and say to themselves, 'Maybe if I had behaved better...'

Some kids feel angry and blame their parents for breaking up their home.

Of course, there are important reasons for divorce like physical and mental abuse. But not all marriages that end are because of abuse. Even so, divorce for any reason isn't easy for kids.

How to Help Kids Deal with Divorce - Video

Today we have a special video that expresses how children feel and how to help them cope with divorce. You'll find 6 simple parenting solutions like what to do when you need to communicate with your ex or what to do instead of buying expensive presents when you want to ease your child's pain. You'll learn what children really want from each of you and what they're most afraid of.

This brief video can help whether you've gone through a divorce or whether you're thinking about it. Perhaps you know a family who could use these ideas to help their children. If so, please share it with them.

After you watch it feel free to copy the transcript below it to capture the 6 parenting strategies. You can start using them today.

Children and Divorce: How Parents Show Love

Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel to be the first to receive all my video parenting tips and tools.

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Blaming Children: How Parents Stop the Excuses

Blamer Boy
"She made me do it!"


In the video below you'll find 7 parenting solutions to stop the blaming.

Many children think punishment is the worst thing in the world. Their young minds don't realize that everyone makes mistakes, especially them.

If parents are too harsh and not kind, kids' excuses will increase because they fear punishments. Parents can be balanced in helping children take responsibility. One of the parenting strategies in the video addresses this.

Allowing kids to blame others for their mistakes can also cause problems because it promotes a weak backbone and more blaming

The following brief video, How Parents Help Kids Stop Blaming Others will offer the 7 parenting tips you need to handle your child's blaming problems.

 Blaming Girl SMALL

   "I did not make him do it. It's his fault."


How Parent Help Kids Stop Blaming Others


If this video was helpful, please comment and share because it will help spread the tips. 

Please Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel to be the first to get her latest parenting videos.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Sassy Kids: How Loving Parents Stop Sarcasm

Sassy girl
You Can Help Your Child Overcome Sarcasm

SASSY SARCASTIC KIDS CAN TEST YOUR PARENTING SKILLS. When your feelings are trampled on by your child's cruel words, it's hard to feel like a loving parent.

What Is Sassy Behavior?

Today’s post shares 7 sarcastic expressions, 5 examples of rude behavior, 5 ways to hold your temper, and 9 action steps for you to take to stop the sass. You’ll get a clear picture of what child rudeness is like and what to do about it.

What Consequences Await a Sassy Child?

Sassy Boy
Stop the Sassy Behavior Now!
  • Gulf between parents and child
  • Loneliness and estrangement from friends
  • Attitude of superiority that turns others off
  • Sarcastic personality that offends others
  • Guilt for his sarcastic behavior

All of these fail to teach children how successful living works. They make it difficult to make friends and become a happy person.

Loving Parents Can Stop Sarcasm

Not all love is warm and fuzzy. True love for your child may mean taking effective action. It’s important to keep your eye on the bigger picture for your youngster’s future. By not allowing sassiness to become a habit now, you’ll be building character and helping him become a likable person with a happier life.

Click on Your Sassy Child: How Parents Overcome Sarcasm and start using the 9 action-steps today. It's easier than you think. It's free too.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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