How Children Turn Out-of-Control Feelings into Calm Emotions

Emotional Kids
The Emotion Scale Works


Parenting kids with out-of-control emotions is difficult. If you’re frazzled and your emotions flare up, I have a solution for you and your children. 

Girls Fighting Best
Out-of-Control Tempers


Before I tell you more, here are 3 questions:

  1. Are you shouting at one another and feeling shame?
  2. Are you or your children sad or depressed?
  3. Are you anxious that your family will get the COVID-19 virus?

Did you answer “Yes” to any of the questions? If so, this slide share is just what you need. I suggest you practice it and experience how it works. Then teach it to your children.

Boy meditation 703
How the Emotion Scale Works


No one knows when the pandemic will end. This makes some people jumpy and anxious. Others are yearning to see family members. Many want our governors to open-up our schools. Children long to see their teachers and friends. Parents need to work, afford food, and pay rent.  Not knowing leads us to out-of-control feelings.

Emotions Scale 624
Make It a Habit!


With this simple parenting tool, quickly turn overwhelming emotions like, rage, anxiety, depression, and shame into more peaceful feelings. Use this Emotion Scale to decrease emotional stress and increase family harmony.

Get the Emotion Scale here:

The Emotion Scale


Please write a comment and copy the transcript below it for your own use. 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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6 Parenting Tips that Prepare Kids to Be Smarter in School

Brain Power 800
How Parents Can Motivate Kids with Good Questions


It’s not difficult to raise smarter children. But many parents use the wrong tactics. They don’t know praising kids for goods grades and criticizing them for poor grades can backfire.


Why Praise and Criticism Often Fail

Research says many kids want praise so much that they limit themselves to easier tasks. Why? Because they know they’ll succeed. It’s not the way to expand their brain power.

Criticizing kids for poor grades can increase their low self-esteem, fire up their resentment, and convince them to give up.

Kids need to know that their brains grow with deeper thinking, solving problems, studying well. Don’t let them think, “I can’t get it. I’m not smart.”

Smarter Kids Mom and Son
"You challenged yourself and figured it out!"



How Parents Can Prepare Kids for School

Want to increase your child’s brain power? Today's slide share includes 6 smart attitudes to promote, 6 smart questions to ask, and 6 slogans for motivating kids.

Praising kids for good grades is not as effective as asking the right questions to increase your child’s love of learning. When your children feel good about their thinking skills, see learning as a positive challenge, and develop a determination to keep trying, their brains grow. Use these simple fun solutions for promoting smart brains in your children.

One more thing, these questions can be used for kids sports, music lessons, chores and more.


Smart Black Child
"I solved a hard problem and my brain got smarter!"


Click on This Slide Share:


Brain Power for Kids: 6 Powerful Parenting Tips


You might also like this video: Smart Kids - 6 Intelligent Questions for Smart Brains 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Open-Minded Kids – How Parents Open Closed Minds

Broad-Minded Parents Help Kids Think Outside the Box.


It’s easier to unlock kid’s brains when parents are open to new ideas.

Today, we’ll look at 3 traps for close-minded parents and 3 advantages for being an open parent. We’ll also share 2 examples from your children’s lives that you can use immediately. They'll help your kids open their minds. At the end you'll find a new SlideShare with 7 open-minded discussion questions. I hope you'll use them with your children.

Narrow-Minded Parents Fall into 3 Traps When They:

  1. Stop listening they end up turning their kids off.
  2. Judge their children harshly when they don't agree.
  3. Demand their kids think the same way they do.

When kids aren’t heard, feel judged, and experience mind control, they can:

  1. Feel resentment toward parents.
  2. Plug their ears.
  3. Keep their real thoughts to themselves.

3 Advantages of Open-Minded Parents

  1. They listen well which gives their children the attention and respect they want.
  2. They receive respect from kids who may open their ears in return.
  3. They find out what their kids really think and can better guide them.

How to Solve 2 Childhood Problems with Open Minds


Yawning Boy 800
Many Kids Engage in Bedtime Battles.


When parents are open to hearing their youngsters ideas, kids can look at bedtime decisions with fresh eyes.

Ask: “Should kids have the same bedtime on weekends as school nights?”

  1. Let them share all their opinions, even if you don’t like them. Just listen.
  2. Ask them to list all the reasons for the opposite side. Just listen.
  3. Tell them to blend the best of both sides so both of you can accept them.
  4. Now it’s your turn to share your opinions and the opposite side. Then blend the best of both.
  5. Search for a compromise with your child. Take all the time you need.

Suggest you both try the new solution for a couple of weeks.

Signs that you both still need to compromise may be:

  1. Your student doesn’t get up on time.
  2. Your child yawns from tiredness at school and home.
  3. Your child is cranky during the day because he’s tired.

Remember, when children get to participate in the rules, they are more likely to follow them.


Chores 800
Does Your Child Like Responsibilities?


Responsibilities restrict freedom. Yet to have a freedom, there is a matching responsibility. Here are some to consider:

  1. Freedom to watch TV or play video games could mean completing homework first.
  2. Freedom to eat a snack could mean cleaning the mess afterward.
  3. Freedom to own a dog means feeding her and taking her for walks.

Discuss with your youngster more freedoms with related responsibilities.

Ask: “Is it important for kids to have responsibilities?”

  1. Listen well as your child shares both pro and con ideas.
  2. Ask questions that help your child think more deeply.
  3. Give your ideas when your student is finished.
  4. Ask, “Is there is a household responsibility you’d like to discuss?” If so, use the 2-sided method we used with the bedtime discussion.
  5. Insist on respect throughtout.

Summary – How Parents Open Closed Minds

The advantages of being an open-minded parent are mutual listening, great discussions and acceptable solutions. Helping your kids see more than their point of view teaches them to become problem solvers and wise compromisers who think outside the box. Their brains won’t be chained to stubborn thinking either.


Smart Parents 800
Open-Minded Discussions Promote Broad-Minded


Enjoy this SlideShare with additional questions for teaching open-mindedness with delightful discussions. The transcript is included. Feel free to copy it.

How Smart Parents Raise Open-Minded Kids


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents and Teachers Start Bully Discussions - A SlideShare



Bullied blue-eyed girl SMALL
Is Your Child Bullied? Have a Chat.


kid who is, here are 9 discussions you can use.

These slides include 9 pictures as conversation starters. Please

feel free to copy the pictures. The questions are

within the pictures. You can use them as dinner, car, or bedtime


Find Out What Your Child Thinks, Feels, and Says. Here’s How:

  1. Listen well.
  2. Recap her ideas in your words.
  3. Ask, if you repeated her thoughts correctly.
  4. Add your ideas when your child is finished.
  5. Make a simple action plan, like tell a teacher.

One of the best school ideas about bullying, is from Dr. Michele Borba. She suggested asking teachers to set up a classroom “Bully Box.” Children could use it for:

  • Making suggestions to end bullying
  • Asking questions about bullying
  • Reporting bullying

The teacher could monitor the discussion ideas and pick a special day and time for bully discussions.

This SlideShare can also be used in school bully discussions with questions like:

Slideshare -to stop a bully
How Parents and Teachers Start Bully Discussions



Pick up this FREE SlideShare at: How Parents Discuss Bullying with Children or



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting a Joyful Family - 4 Loving Activities


Smiling Girl SMALL
Find Out What a Smile Can Do

PARENTS, RAISING CHEERFUL CHILDREN IS FUN. In this brief slide share presentation, you'll find out:

  • How to build optimistic mindsets 
  • Help end each day with happy memories
  • Make each member feel loved and appreciated
  • Lifts each other's spirits
Raising a Joyful Family Slideshare
Use These Parenting Exercises


Look, as a parent you are very busy. All you need is more parenting suggestions that take time. Don't worry. The actions in this parenting presentation are so easy and take very little time. They'll make raising your family easier because your children will feel happier. When kids are happy they tend to cooperate more. The benefits give you and your kids a win-win.


Pick up this brief SlideShare at: Raising a Joyful Family or at LinkedIn:


Feel Free to copy the transcript below the short presentation. Add it to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need a reminder. It's yours.

Start today and please share!


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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The Emotional Child - How Parents Help Kids' Feelings

Mother and Son Talking
           How Parents Help Kids with
          Out-of-Control Feelings


This method uses your child’s imagination to handle out-of-control emotions.

First your over-sensitive child draws his very own emotion meter. Then he closes his eyes and visualizes moving the needle from poor (out-of-control) to fair, to good, and then excellent.

It’s fine if he doesn’t reach excellent because “good” emotions are good enough. The emotion meter can help children who are sad, angry, guilty, or anxious. Upset parents can use it for their own feelings too. 

Watch this short slideshow presentation (only 12 slides) and copy the easy instructions below the slides. Then share it with your child when he is in a good mood. Practice it with him several times.

Ask him to let you know when he used it by himself to calm his emotions and feel better.

Remember to use it on yourself too and you'll never have to feel stuck in a bad mood.

Click on The Emotional Child and get started.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Kids Who Complain, Whine and Gripe : 7 Parenting Tips


Whining Boy Child SMALL
Whining Kids Can Speak Nicely!

If your child whines and complains, he's normal. Many children learn to beg in that shrill voice that grates on a parent's nerves. They use that voice because you're powerful, they're weak, and it works.

But, with your training, he can learn to speak in a pleasant voice. It may take repetition on your part before he remembers how to ask for what he wants. It will take patience too.

Today you'll find a brief slideshow (only 10 slides with few words) that offers 7 ways to help your child overcome the whining and griping habit.

It's worth the effort when you ask yourself, "What have I got to lose?" If you answered, "A whiny shrill unpleasant voice," you're right.

Complaining Girl SMALL
Help Her Overcome the Whining Habit!


You'll be doing your children a favor. They'll become positive kids, attract friends, and feel happier too.

Click on The Whining Child: 7 Parenting Solutions and get started today. Feel free to copy the solutions.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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When Parents Fight: How to Calm Down Worried Kids


Fighting Parents
These Communication Skills Help Stop Fights!

When parents fight, kids hurt. They wonder, 'Are Mom and Dad getting a divorce?' You can stop the worry with a simple communication process. It is best used on a regular basis to solve problems that arise.

Most couples have differences and don't know how to solve them. Some parents shout, some pout, and others avoid dealing with conflicts altogether. If you look at difficulties as normal, fights don't have to be scary.  They can be solved.

Today you'll find a process that promotes good communication, respect, and it doesn't scare your children either. I've used it often when counseling fighting parents.

To solve your problems without fighting watch this Google Slides Presentation. It's brief, avoids long explanations, and you can copy the steps if you like.

Black Couple Paying Attention
Couple Conflicts Can Be Solved!

One more thing, please do me a favor and share it on your social media sites.

Click on: Kids Hurt When Parents Fight - 15 Communication Skills



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Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Kids Think Smart When Parents Help


Mom and Daughter reading SMALL
Parents CAN Guide Their Child's Intelligence

GETTING KIDS TO THINK CLEARLY CAN BE LEARNED. Making mistakes can be positive. Self-talk can motivate. But how?

Today's brief slide share presentation offers parents 6 big ideas with18 ways to encourage children to appreciate their powerful brains and use them well.

Why not have fun helping your child use her brain effectively? Asking the right kind of questions will get her thinking. You'll find out how she solves problems. From there you'll able to correct thinking difficulties and help her appreciate her brain power.

Getting kids to exercise their brains is easier than you think. When you listen well to their answers and praise their good ideas, your youngsters will grow.

Smart boy looking SMALL
You CAN Boost His Intelligence


Feel free to copy the script below the slide presentation. Add it to your binder and use it when needed.

6 Powerful Parenting Tips - Smart Attitudes, Questions, and Slogans

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Boosting Brains in Kids: 6 Parenting Attitudes


Asian dad and son SMALL

Parenting is tough when your impatient child gives up and you're worried about his attitude. How do you turn a losing mindset into patience and determination?

In this brief parenting slideshow you will find 6 mental outlooks to instill in your child. They will help him face life with a love for learning and a strong resolve to keep trying.

5 Parenting Skills for Promoting Brain Power

  1. Praise his efforts more than his grades.
  2. Praise his strides in keeping focused on his work.
  3. Praise the thinking steps he took to solve his problems.
  4. Ask questions that help him reflect on how he used his brain.
  5. Take the time to listen, smile, and learn how your child really thinks.

When you praise the right attitudes, ask good questions, and show true interest, you'll be boosting your child's brain development.

Smart Boy


Watch this slideshow with it's 14 brief slides. Feel free to copy the short script below the slides. Put it in a binder to use when your child needs a mental boost.

Child Brain Development! 6 Parenting Tips for Motivating Children


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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