Broad-Minded Parents Help Kids Think Outside the Box.
It’s easier to unlock kid’s brains when parents are open to new ideas.
Today, we’ll look at 3 traps for close-minded parents and 3 advantages for being an open parent. We’ll also share 2 examples from your children’s lives that you can use immediately. They'll help your kids open their minds. At the end you'll find a new SlideShare with 7 open-minded discussion questions. I hope you'll use them with your children.
Narrow-Minded Parents Fall into 3 Traps When They:
- Stop listening they end up turning their kids off.
- Judge their children harshly when they don't agree.
- Demand their kids think the same way they do.
When kids aren’t heard, feel judged, and experience mind control, they can:
- Feel resentment toward parents.
- Plug their ears.
- Keep their real thoughts to themselves.
3 Advantages of Open-Minded Parents
- They listen well which gives their children the attention and respect they want.
- They receive respect from kids who may open their ears in return.
- They find out what their kids really think and can better guide them.
How to Solve 2 Childhood Problems with Open Minds
Many Kids Engage in Bedtime Battles.
When parents are open to hearing their youngsters ideas, kids can look at bedtime decisions with fresh eyes.
Ask: “Should kids have the same bedtime on weekends as school nights?”
- Let them share all their opinions, even if you don’t like them. Just listen.
- Ask them to list all the reasons for the opposite side. Just listen.
- Tell them to blend the best of both sides so both of you can accept them.
- Now it’s your turn to share your opinions and the opposite side. Then blend the best of both.
- Search for a compromise with your child. Take all the time you need.
Suggest you both try the new solution for a couple of weeks.
Signs that you both still need to compromise may be:
- Your student doesn’t get up on time.
- Your child yawns from tiredness at school and home.
- Your child is cranky during the day because he’s tired.
Remember, when children get to participate in the rules, they are more likely to follow them.
Does Your Child Like Responsibilities?
Responsibilities restrict freedom. Yet to have a freedom, there is a matching responsibility. Here are some to consider:
- Freedom to watch TV or play video games could mean completing homework first.
- Freedom to eat a snack could mean cleaning the mess afterward.
- Freedom to own a dog means feeding her and taking her for walks.
Discuss with your youngster more freedoms with related responsibilities.
Ask: “Is it important for kids to have responsibilities?”
- Listen well as your child shares both pro and con ideas.
- Ask questions that help your child think more deeply.
- Give your ideas when your student is finished.
- Ask, “Is there is a household responsibility you’d like to discuss?” If so, use the 2-sided method we used with the bedtime discussion.
- Insist on respect throughtout.
Summary – How Parents Open Closed Minds
The advantages of being an open-minded parent are mutual listening, great discussions and acceptable solutions. Helping your kids see more than their point of view teaches them to become problem solvers and wise compromisers who think outside the box. Their brains won’t be chained to stubborn thinking either.
Open-Minded Discussions Promote Broad-Minded
Enjoy this SlideShare with additional questions for teaching open-mindedness with delightful discussions. The transcript is included. Feel free to copy it.
How Smart Parents Raise Open-Minded Kids
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Thank you so much.
With warm wishes,
Jean Tracy, MSS
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