Locked-Down Parents with Tattletale Kids - Here's Help

Frustrated Momma 450

Is your tattletale kid driving you crazy? Do you know why your child tattles? Today, we will share 4 big reasons kids snitch, 3 important questions to ask, and simple ways to stop the tattling and keep your sanity.

Some Reasons for Tattling Behavior:

  1. Attention
  2. Power
  3. Revenge
  4. Pity

Kids tattle on brothers and sisters because they want your attention and approval. Some children want power over a younger child. Others want to get back at a sibling. Younger kids want your pity and hugs. They all want you to take their side. 

Jackie Little Bobby 450
When They Tattle, What Will You Do?


Advice and Answers: What Parents Need to Teach Kids Who Tattle

Children need to know the difference between helping and hurting. Helping siblings who have a serious problem or are in danger needs a parent’s attention. It is not tattling when kids tell parents about danger.

Tattling hurts because its goal is to get a sister or brother in trouble. Tattling prompts parents to yell in frustration. When that happens, the tattling problem does not get solved and bad feelings linger within the family.

Teaching kids to help their siblings and not hurt them has tons of benefits. Children learn to play well together. Laughter and cooperation grow. The family atmosphere is pleasant.

Read More

Find out the 3 important questions parents must ask themselves and 4 typical examples of kids tattling with simple ways to solve each situation.

How Parents Stop Kids from Tattling on 'Sibs.'  

Father Daughter Talk 2 450
Are You Tattling to Help or Hurt?


Read Now:  How Parents Stop Kids from Tattling on 'Sibs.'  


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Help Kids Turn Toxic Thoughts into Healthy Attitudes

Boy Losing
   You CAN Help Your Child Think

NEGATIVE CHILDREN TURN FRIENDS OFF. If you’re worried about your child’s mindset and believe he’s struggling when it comes to success, satisfying friendships, and happiness, keep reading.

In today’s parenting gift you’ll understand poisonous thinking habits that hurt your child and simple solutions that help.

Get the answers to these 5 questions and start helping your child today.

Does Your Child:

  1. Choose to think on the dark side?
  2. Focus on his mistakes?
  3. Use words that exaggerate the negative?
  4. Reject compliments?
  5. Turn problems into mountains?

Imagine how you will you feel when his negativity turns into positive thinking?

Smiling Mom SMALL
Parenting Positive Children Feels


Use the positive tips within today’s gift.  Be sure and watch the video too. It holds 5 more specific keys for raising children with successful attitudes.

Don’t give up. Your child needs your patience and your guidance.

Pick up this gift today. Add it to your 3-hole binder and use it whenever you need it. Go to:



Subscriber Gifts

and insert the code word: TOXIC

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Changing Stubborn Behavior - 5 Top Parenting Tips

.Mother and children
You CAN Help Your Stubborn Child Learn to Cooperate!

POWER STRUGGLES WITH CHILDREN INCREASE PARENTING STRESS. If you're raising a stubborn strong-minded child, you can get relief. 

The parenting video below offers 5 effective skills for turning contrary kids into cooperative children.

Imagine the good feelings of being in charge, of raising children who listen, cooperate, and who love chatting with you. It can happen.

Please watch this brief video and copy the transcript below it to capture the 5 parenting solutions. You can start using them today.


The Stubborn Child - 5 Positive Parenting Solutions


Stubborn Girl SMALL
Helping Her Become a Family Team Member

Subscribe to Jean Tracy's YouTube Channel to be the first to receive all my video parenting tips and tools.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Fearful Children: 7 Mistakes and 11 Solutions

Worried boy
"Please Don't Make Me!"

IS YOUR CHILD OVERWHELMED WITH WORRY AND FEAR? If so, you can help him turn anxiety into confidence. Today I will list 7 mistakes you don't want to make, 3 worrisome situations for anxious children, and 11 easy steps for helping your over-sensitive child.

Anxious children know the awful experience of thoughts and feelings running wild. For them, it's like a tsunami. They try to avoid such danger at all cost.

That's why they worry and fret about the worst things that might happen. They might cry, throw temper tantrums, and refuse to take risks. This is how their worry protects them from harm. It stops them from trying, making mistakes, and being embarrassed. It keeps them safe from failing and feeling foolish.

Black boy

     "I can't. I might fail"

But kids don't realize that anxiety also imprisons them with their negative thoughts and fearful feelings. It prevents them from experiencing the joys of accomplishment.

Find out what you can do. Practice the 11 simple steps to help your child overcome childhood anxieties.

Pick up your solutions at: 

11 Ways Parents Turn Anxious Kids into Confident Children

Because, like all parents, you don’t want your child to suffer from fear when he doesn’t need to.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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The Blaming Problem - 10 Practical Parenting Solutions

Frowing Boy
"You Always Blame Me."

IF YOUR CHILD OFTEN BLAMES OTHERS FOR HIS MISTAKES, he has a blaming problem. From today's article you can help him tell the truth and take responsibility for his actions.

You'll find out:

Why youngsters blame

7 typical blaming defenses kids use

9 blaming behaviors

5 excuses parents repeat

10 parenting tips you can use immediately

For example you'll find out how creating signals helps stop blaming, why discussing the phrase, mistake makers, is important, and how to use consequences that work.

Read more at:

Stop Kids From Blaming Others! 10 Best Parenting Tips 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Sassy Sarcastic Poem for Building Character in Your Child

Rejected Girl
Sassy Isn't Classy!

Our character building poem for kids includes rude behavior, the problems that mouthy behavior can cause, and how to solve them. Please share this parenting gift with your children.

The poem is about Tyler Tanners, a boy with sarcastic manners. When he put down his dad, there were consequences he didn't like.

Fortunately, a character comes to his rescue. Find out who he is and what he suggests in our poem, "Sassy Isn't Classy."

After you read it with your children, discuss these questions to find out their thoughts about sassy behavior:

  1. What's wrong with sarcastic behavior?
  2. How can being sassy hurt friendships?
  3. What do you think of sassy sarcastic kids?
  4. If you were the parent of a child who acted rudely toward you, what would you do?
  5. What advice would you give children who sass?

Using these discussion questions helps your children think more clearly and talk more deeply about the problem. When they respond with good solutions be sure to praise their answers. It is hoped they will follow them.

To pick up your gift, "Sassy Isn't Classy," insert the word, SASSY at:



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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The Mouthy Child: Gift - 9 Best Parenting Answers

Sass is dead if you say, "Stop sassing me!"              

Mom hands stopping
Stop Sassing Me!

Then you must show you mean it by following  through with consequences. The trick is to catch your child being rude as soon as she starts becoming sarcastic. Don't let it become a habit because it will be more difficult to change. Not impossible but more difficult.

You'll also need to ask your child to think ahead and tell you how he will respond in the future to avoid the sass. Insist on an answer. If your child refuses, use a consequence. 

Reacting to Rudeness

Don't return the sarcasm by saying, “I see you're rolling your eyeballs again. Did you ever find a brain back there?” Sarcastic replies invite volleys of mean-spirited sass. You want to cut it off not rev it up.

Make your goal to model respectful behavior when reacting to your child's obnoxious retorts. Make sure you look and feel in control of yourself even if you need to let time pass before you respond.

Responding to Sassiness:

Our parenting gift offers 9 answers to sassy sarcasm that you can easily use. If your youngster needs a stronger consequence, consider not doing something he wants you to do or taking something away that fits his sarcasm.

Pick up your gift, 9 Best Parenting Responses to a Mouthy Child at:


  and insert the word, MOUTHY.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift: 10 Signs of Sarcasm Loving Parents Must Stop!

Mom with headache
Does Your Sassy Child Disturb You?

A SASSY CHILD CAN GAIN POWER OVER HIS PARENTS. Such power, if it becomes a habit, will hurt him now and in the future. His tone, words, and body language signal to others he's self-centered, angry, and in control.

No parent enjoys hearing her beloved child bellow out, "Do it yourself!" or roll his eyes when she asks for help.

Has your child sassed you with "Duh!" as if you were stupid. If your youngster smirks or tells you to "Get a life," it can hurt. This sassy behavior can be changed.

Today, you’ll receive a parenting gift with 5 common sarcastic things kids say and 5 examples of rude behavior. If your child is treating you with disrespect, keep these lists in your 3-hole notebook to refer to when you need them.

Please download your parenting gift by inserting the code word: SASS at   http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp


 Please comment below. Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 


Jean Tracy, MSS



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Sassy Kids: How Loving Parents Stop Sarcasm

Sassy girl
You Can Help Your Child Overcome Sarcasm

SASSY SARCASTIC KIDS CAN TEST YOUR PARENTING SKILLS. When your feelings are trampled on by your child's cruel words, it's hard to feel like a loving parent.

What Is Sassy Behavior?

Today’s post shares 7 sarcastic expressions, 5 examples of rude behavior, 5 ways to hold your temper, and 9 action steps for you to take to stop the sass. You’ll get a clear picture of what child rudeness is like and what to do about it.

What Consequences Await a Sassy Child?

Sassy Boy
Stop the Sassy Behavior Now!
  • Gulf between parents and child
  • Loneliness and estrangement from friends
  • Attitude of superiority that turns others off
  • Sarcastic personality that offends others
  • Guilt for his sarcastic behavior

All of these fail to teach children how successful living works. They make it difficult to make friends and become a happy person.

Loving Parents Can Stop Sarcasm

Not all love is warm and fuzzy. True love for your child may mean taking effective action. It’s important to keep your eye on the bigger picture for your youngster’s future. By not allowing sassiness to become a habit now, you’ll be building character and helping him become a likable person with a happier life.

Click on Your Sassy Child: How Parents Overcome Sarcasm and start using the 9 action-steps today. It's easier than you think. It's free too.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Sassy Behavior Video: Stop Kid's Sarcasm with 10 Parenting Tips

Sassy Child
Rude Behavior - Don't Accept It!


Many children use sassy behavior to get their way. If your child is rude to you and you want to stop it, watch our brief video, Sarcastic Behavior: 10 Positive Parenting Tips. Here’s one of the solutions:

Parenting Tip # 8

Tell your child exactly what to do to replace the sass.

“Repeat what you said but say it with respect.”

 For instance, she could answer:

  1. “I’m sorry for saying, ‘Do it yourself.’ I’ll set the table right now.”
  2. “I'm sorry I rolled my eyes when you told me to do my homework. Next time I’ll ask, ‘May I do my homework after dinner?’”
  3. “I shouldn’t have said, ‘Give me a break,’ when you asked me to carry in the groceries. I’ll get them now.”

Accept your youngster’s apology if you feel it is sincere. Otherwise, let her know that it still sounded rude and to try again.

If your child is younger, role-play the sass and then the better behavior. If she likes to draw, have her draw the sarcastic behavior and then the respectful conduct.

When she uses polite manners, be sure to compliment her. This may increase her politeness and decrease her disrespect.

Please watch our video now: Sarcastic Behavior: 10 Positive Parenting Tips


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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