Motivating Kids: These 5 Rhymes Stimulate Their Senses - Video

Girl Seeing Goals 400
Creating and Achieving Goals with Rhymes
that Motivate Kids


POSITIVE RHYMES MOTIVATE KIDS. Repetition recirculates them in their memories and becomes well-traveled paths in their brains. 

I remember a quote from 5th grade when our class was learning about explorers, "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." That became a lifelong slogan for me. It helped me motor (although slowly) through many a tough math class.

When a motivating rhyme is catchy and appeals to your child , suggest creating a bookmark, a poster, or a sticky note of it. It might become a well-traveled path and a lifelong motivator too.

In today's one-minute video you and your child will hear 5 rhymes that appeal to the senses. Feel free to tell your child to use his favorite one often. He could also use it as a springboard to creating his own one-line poem.



Want a copy of the 5 rhymes? Just Enter Code - SENSES at and it's yours to download.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Nurture Their Child’s Inner Life – 10 Ways

Family Sunrise 900
Encourage Your Child's Inner Beauty!


TEACHING YOUR CHILD TO APPRECIATE BEAUTY, MUSIC, LOVE, AND MORE is not difficult. It takes a parent who cultivates a loving inner spirt and wants to share the peace it brings.

Many people sense there is more to life than what we can see, hear, touch, or feel. If you’d like to help your child to tap into this special sense, consider sharing the 10 easy ways in this parenting gift.

Father Hands Daughter
Help Your Child Enjoy a Loving Peacefulness.


You can lift your child’s spirit, add meaning to her life and happiness to her inner being.

Download your present now by inserting the code word: PEACE at


Consider adding this gift to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it.


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift: How Parents Raise Kids with Love and Respect


Black Family
Family Respect is the Key to a
Happy Home.


IF POUTING KIDS, SHOUTING AND DISRESPECT are bringing your family down, you can change it. In today's gift we'll offer 7 strategies to increase your family's positive spirit. But first well share 5 tips that you might need to consider if your family feels out of control.

Parenting Out-of-Control Children:

1. Avoid lecturing, yelling, and pleading. They make parents look and sound weak.

2. Be kind and firm, consistent and stable. It’s best for you and your child.

3. Walk away from your child’s selfish words. Avoid being sucked into a fight because you’ll lose.

4. Keep your child’s allowance if he doesn’t complete his chores or does them poorly.

5. Stop doing extra deeds like his laundry when he’s disrespectful.

These suggestions may help your children realize you are in charge. This following brief video, could help you strengthen your resolve to get things under control. Then we'll share 7 positive tips that lead to respect.

Spoiled Child - 6 Practical Parenting Solutions


Family for Video Cover
Changing the Out-of-Control Family


Parenting Gift:

These 7 positive tips to help your child grow in love and respect. They give your children exactly what they want: approval, attention, and appreciation. They are easy and practical.

Click on How Parents Raise Kids with Respect  Insert the code words ESTEEM and download them now. 


Tip: Add them to a 3-hole binder to use whenever you need them.


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift for Creative Parents – Children's Poem to Discuss



Sunshine Girl Brighter
You Can Help Your Child Choose "The Bright Side"


NEGATIVE THINKING IS A DARK CLOUD THAT HOLDS US BACK from making friends, hurts our chances of success, and makes us feel gloomy. Positive thinking, is a light and cheerful feeling that attracts friends, success, and feels happy. 

Use this creative discussion poem with your children to let go of hopeless thoughts and embrace positive thinking.

In just 4 short stanzas you'll discover topics to discuss like:

  1. Judging others. 
  2. Negative thoughts. 
  3. Moaning and groaning. 
  4. Excuses, blaming, acting cross.

Each verse reinforces solutions to negative behaviors like:

  1. Expanding your heart.
  2. Smiling and laughing.
  3. Being kind and cheerful.
  4. Encouraging others.

Discuss this poem as a friendly chat 

Find out your child's thoughts by asking:

  1. What do you think about judging others to bring them down?
  2. How do you think negative thoughts push others away?
  3. How do moaning and groaning poison people's minds?
  4. How do excuses, blaming and active cross affect family and friends?
  5. Would you like to live on the "bright side?" Why? 

Pick up your poetry gift - "On the Bright Side"  and Insert the code:



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Bonus: 6 Positive Brain Changing Steps to Happiness


Thinking Mom SMALL
Great Strategy for Parents and Children!



Today’s parenting gift helps your brain work for you not against you. It puts you in the driver's seat because you choose the thoughts you want to focus on.

Find out this brain changing process and start using it today. Then teach it to your children.

6 Part Parenting Method to Promote in Yourself and Your Kids:

  1. Recognize harmful thoughts.
  2. Ask yourself an important question (in the bonus).
  3. Check your feelings.
  4. Challenge question to answer (also in the freebie).
  5. Make a choice and refocus.
  6. Share this process with your children too.

Parenting Suggestion:

Add this positive brain strategy to your 3-hole binder and use it whenever you or your kids need it.

Get this Free Bonus because it's an important key to a happier life.

Insert the code word: PARENT at



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: How to Teach Kids Gratefulness



Listen to Your Child
Teach The Gratitude Review to Your Child


The power of gratitude shapes positive thoughts. Upbeat thinking promotes a happier heart. If you’d like to raise an optimistic child, consider The Gratitude Review as a bedtime activity. It’s so easy.

The Simple Method for Increasing Gratitude:

At bedtime ask, “What happened today that you’re grateful for?”

Give your child time to think. Make sure it’s something that’s completely positive. If she says,

“I had fun playing soccer during recess but when it was over…”

The word ‘but’ tells you something unpleasant is about to follow. Help her practice finding pleasant events that started and ended with a satisfying experience.

This Bedtime Exchange Helps Parents and Children:

  1. Develop closeness.
  2. Discuss positive daily events.
  3. Share happy feelings.
  4. End the day on a joyful note.
  5. Sleep with happy memories.

5 more simple activities are my gift to you. Pick the ones that fit for your family at:  6 Parenting Activities    or and insert the code word:


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Solutions: Turning Pessimistic Kids into Positive Children

OPTIMISTIC KIDS LOOK FORWARD TO PLEASANT EVENTS. How can you instill this practice in your children? Each day ask your child to make a "Morning Forecast."

If your child smiles a lot, chances are she’s a positive thinker. But if she pouts, her gloomy face, down-turned lips, and sullen frowns reveal her darker thoughts. Can you help her change? Certainly!

In today's article, you’ll find 5 toxic thinking behaviors to overcome, 6 behaviors to promote in yourself, 7 positive activities to teach your kids, and a children’s poem to discuss with your youngsters.

As you can see, The Morning Forecast is so easy. The other activities are easy too. Why not find out more ways to promote positive attitudes in your loved ones? If you do, your child will be happier, make more friends, and be able to influence others in good ways. Your family will benefit too. What have you got to lose? Why not turn your moody kid into a happier person?

Negative Girl SMALL
Moody Kids Have Darker Thoughts


You'll find today's article at:

The Positive Child: 18 Top Parenting Tips and Tools

 or at:    


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Parents Raise Kids with Positive Mindsets - 5 Fun Activities


Does Your Child
Look on the Bright Side?

PARENTING HAPPY CHILDREN IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK. Today we've created a new 4-minute YouTube Video with 5 powerful ways to teach your child positive thinking.  They include these simple fun activities. Share them with your children:

  1. The Morning Forecast
  2. The Gratitude Review 
  3. The Family Compliments
  4. The Smile Experiment
  5. The Bright Side Discussion

Why Is Raising a Positive Thinker Better than Raising a Negative Thinker?

  1. Positive children attract friendships. Negative kids repel them.
  2. Kids who are positive feel happier.
  3. Children with happy mindsets tend to look for positive solutions.
  4. Unhappy kids tend to pout and hold onto resentments.
  5. Positive kids encourage others.

I bet you can think of even more reasons to raise children with cheerful attitudes.

Now is a great time to introduce these parent/child activities. If you do, your child might make new friends and enjoy this school year more than ever.

Watch this video. Copy the transcript below it. Start using these parenting strategies today.


How Parents Raise Positive Kids – 5 Top Parenting Tips


Girls Laughing Brighter SMALL
You CAN Raise a Positive Child!


For more parenting tips and tools, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel .


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Empathy Training for Kids - 8 Simple Parenting Discussions

Asian Girl Smiles SMALL
Kids Understand Feelings When Parents Help

THIS PARENTING GIFT HELPS CHILDREN EXPERIENCE EMPATHY. It includes 8 discussion questions for building character through friendly chats.

Consider discussing a new question once each week because it will give your child time to reflect and practice caring skills. Dinners, car rides, and bedtimes are perfect for these discussions. Use words like:

1. Would you explain a little more? 

2. I like how you think.

3. How did you come to think that way?

4. Do you have any examples?

5. How do your thoughts match your actions? 

Don’t lecture your child on what to think. Rather, find out what he thinks and why. Accept his ideas without arguing. You can add your thoughts later by also answering the questions in today's gift.

Remember, if you force your ideas, your child may get stubborn and rebel against them.

Black Boy Mouth SMALL
Friendly Chats Help Kids Care about Others


Pick up 8 Discussion Questions: 

Insert the code word EMPATHY at and start building character today. 

Imagine your feelings when your child cares about others and treats them with respect. You'll know you're parenting well and that your discussions are powerful.

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Tips - Caring Kids Learn Charismatic Skills

Sad and Lonely Boy SMALL
Parents Can Teach Kids Social Skills

CHILDREN  WITH SOCIAL SKILLS AND CHARISMA AREN'T BORN THAT WAY. To be charismatic takes charm and you can teach it.

We're not talking about popularity, manipulation, or vanity. We're talking about the true inner charm that cares about others. It will help them grow socially too.

If you model charm to your children, they can learn it from you. There are 3 things all people want that come under the Umbrella of Attention. Give those to others and you'll have charisma.

Use Sincere Eyes, Smiles, and Words with:

  1. Approval by looking for the good in your children and telling them what you see.
  2. Appreciation for the good things they do. "Thank you for..." or "I like the fact that you..."
  3. Affection using a touch, hug, pat on the back, kind word, kiss, or whatever is appropriate.

This is called the Triple A Formula. It is the best way to give what your child and others crave and that is, Attention.

Be a great listener. Hear what your children are saying. See how they're acting. Then try to understand how they're thinking and feeling.

Don't tell. Ask.

"How are you feeling?" Again be a great listener and repeat in your own words what they said. Here's why:

Charismatic listeners help others feel a real connection with them.

You want that with others and, especially, with your children.

Use these 3 tips, Approval, Appreciation, and Affection, as you ask your children the 6 parenting discussion topics in the following YouTube video. They will help your children develop the social skills they need to become the charismatic leaders of tomorrow.

Click on Socially Smart Kids - 6 Parenting Discussions with Children


Bossy to Girl Leader SMALL
Charismatic Children Lead with Caring

Feel free to copy the discussion topics from the transcript below the video. Please leave me a comment too. I would love to hear from you.

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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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