Locked-Down Parents with Tattletale Kids - Here's Help

Frustrated Momma 450

Is your tattletale kid driving you crazy? Do you know why your child tattles? Today, we will share 4 big reasons kids snitch, 3 important questions to ask, and simple ways to stop the tattling and keep your sanity.

Some Reasons for Tattling Behavior:

  1. Attention
  2. Power
  3. Revenge
  4. Pity

Kids tattle on brothers and sisters because they want your attention and approval. Some children want power over a younger child. Others want to get back at a sibling. Younger kids want your pity and hugs. They all want you to take their side. 

Jackie Little Bobby 450
When They Tattle, What Will You Do?


Advice and Answers: What Parents Need to Teach Kids Who Tattle

Children need to know the difference between helping and hurting. Helping siblings who have a serious problem or are in danger needs a parent’s attention. It is not tattling when kids tell parents about danger.

Tattling hurts because its goal is to get a sister or brother in trouble. Tattling prompts parents to yell in frustration. When that happens, the tattling problem does not get solved and bad feelings linger within the family.

Teaching kids to help their siblings and not hurt them has tons of benefits. Children learn to play well together. Laughter and cooperation grow. The family atmosphere is pleasant.

Read More

Find out the 3 important questions parents must ask themselves and 4 typical examples of kids tattling with simple ways to solve each situation.

How Parents Stop Kids from Tattling on 'Sibs.'  

Father Daughter Talk 2 450
Are You Tattling to Help or Hurt?


Read Now:  How Parents Stop Kids from Tattling on 'Sibs.'  


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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The Virus - How Parents Calm Children in 9 Easy Steps

Scientist 800
This Drawing Technique Helps Kids Overcome Fear


The coronavirus scares your child.

“Mom, are we safe?”

“What do you mean?”

“Will we get sick too?”

Disaster news is everywhere. TV, newspapers, social media and even billboard reminders are appearing in some places.

Children are home. Parents are home. Everyone is scared.

Today's 3 Practical Parenting Steps:

  1. Review the 9 listening skills.
  2. Learn the drawing technique by using it to calm yourself first.
  3. Teach the drawing technique to your child. 


9 Listening Skills Effective Parents Need

Review the following listening tips:

  1. Listen with direct eye contact, a caring smile and both ears.
  2. Ask questions to be sure you understand.
  3. Be patient. Give enough time for your child to form thoughts.
  4. Repeat your child's ideas in your own words. Follow up with, “Is that correct?”
  5. Encourage continued sharing by saying, “Tell me more.”
  6. Walk in your child's shoes. With empathy try to feel what he’s feeling.
  7. Avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions. Listen to the end.
  8. Share your thoughts after your child's finished..
  9. Begin by reflecting feelings. “It sounds like you’re (upset or sad or confused, etc.).”

You Are the Best Counselor for Your Kids

Asian Mom and Daughter
Kids Trust Parents to Help Them


As a counselor for many years, I’ve used the drawing strategy below with children and adults. It works. Why? Because it's a unique way of understanding feelings, especially fears. 

When you listen well, teach practical skills and show caring, your child trusts you and feels loved. Love and trust make you the most powerful counselor of all.

9 Ways Parents Can Calm Themselves and Their Children

Dad and Son Drawing 865
Drawing Calms Your Kid's Anxiety


  1. Ask your boy or girl to, “Draw a picture of the fear.”
  2. Probe Gently: “What does your picture mean to you?”
  3. Say, “Tell me more,” several times until you hear all the anxious thoughts.
  4. Say, “Draw how you would like to feel.” Then say, “Tell me about your new picture.”
  5. Suggest, “Let's brainstorm what you could do to make your picture come true.” Wait patiently for your child’s ideas first.
  6. Say, “Write down 3 small ways you can make your positive picture come true.
  7. Say, “Pick one little step to try now." 
  8. Instruct your child, "Visualize your new picture clearly. Feel it and give it a positive title. Then post it on the fridge." Give your child all the time he or she needs.
  9.  Praise your child for calming his fear.

Discuss the second and third small steps in the following days to reinforce over time what has been learned.

Drawing an optimistic picture gives your child power over the fear. By visualizing it, feeling it and giving it a positive title, your child changes his scary mindset. Posting it on the fridge becomes a strong reminder to "stay calm and carry on." Use this technique as often as your child needs.

Consider applying it for any painful emotion your child may experience. You could even use it as a home schooling strategy.

You might like this video because it also reinforces the steps:

How Parents Help Anxious Kids Feel Confident


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting - 2 Childhood Dilemmas for Teaching Kids Empathy

Boy Cheating
Teaching Empathy Through Dilemmas
       Can Be Done


Childhood dilemmas help your kids think more deeply about choices.  They can teach empathy too. 

In this post, Carter is a math whiz. But he didn't study for his test and he couldn't remember how to solve some problems. He secretly pulled out his calculator and cheated. 

Ask your child questions like:

1. Can you understand Carter's feelings? Please explain.

2. What thoughts might have helped Carter to avoid cheating?

3. Can you explain Carter's dilemma?

4. What advice would you give Carter? Why?

5. Have you ever faced a difficult dilemma where you had to make a quick choice?

6. Would you like to discuss it?

Having empathy for someone doesn't mean you agree with their behavior. Empathy can soften harsh judgments and can help the person deal with what they've done.


Understanding Others Is a Form of Empathy.


Meredith wanted to see an R rated movie, but her mother disapproved. Meredith's friends were going. So Mededith decided to take her mom's money from the cookie jar and sneak off with her friends. Her mother nabbed her in the act.

Ask your child:

1. Can you understand Meredith's feelings about seeing the movie with her friends?

2. How many solutions can you think of to help Meredith avoid stealing?

3. If Meredith's mom hadn't caught her, how might she have felt about taking the money?

4. What advice would you give Meredith?

5. Have you ever felt a strong desire to do something, but your parents disapproved?

6. If yes, can you talk about it?

Understanding others' problems can help your child forgive others when they've been wronged, enjoy a kinder heart, and accept herself when she makes her own errors in judgment.

When you chat with your child about childhood dilemmas, you teach character, understanding, and empathy for others. 

Father and Son 700
Kids Love to Share Their Thoughts with Parents Who


When kids think through specific dilemmas, it helps them with decisions and choices because a similar problem may occur in their near future. Since they've already considered it in detail, they'll know better which choice to make.


Articles with Similar Helpful Content

Social Conscience: How to Use Moral Dilemmas Effectively with Kids


How Parents Build Character with Fun Moral Dilemmas



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Respectful Arguments: How Parents Teach Children Open-Mindedness

Teaching Your Child 800
Parents Can Teach  Children  to Disagree with Respect


Any parent can teach kids to be open and respectful. But it takes practice. Today we'll share:

  • 9 simple rules for open-minded disagreements 
  • 1 practice example about a sleepover
  • A 90 second video with 5 reasons why children love confiding in you

9 Rules for Conducting Open-Minded Arguments

Have you and your child ever yelled at each other? Did you feel guilty and wish it hadn't happened? I know the feeling.

Moms - Divorce
Respectful Disagreements Take Practice


If you're like most parents, you'll have many disagreements with your kids. Now you can turn them into opportunities for open-minded discussions. If you do, you'll be teaching your child an important life skill.

How to teach your child 9 simple rules for open-minded respectful disagreements:

  1. Both speak in a calm voice.
  2. Both hear and repeat each other's words or ideas.
  3. Both take time to find the good points in each other's thoughts.
  4. Discuss each other's good points.
  5. Create a compromise in which each side wins. at least, a little. 
  6. Avoid arguing, yelling, walking away, or being sarcastic.
  7. If either side is disrespectful, make a future date to discuss the issue.
  8. Keep that date and stay calm.
  9. Praise your child for her respectful openness during the argument. 


Use This Sleepover Example to Role-play:

Your 12 year-old son, George, is begging you to stay overnight with a friend you've never met. He says he doesn't know his mom's name or number. You want to introduce yourself and checkout  the sleepover with her.

Black Dad Discussing with Boy SMALL
Teach Your Child to Think Clearly and Stay Calm


Use the 9 rules for staying open-minded and come to a consensus. In the end, remember you are still the parent and have the responsibility to make sure your child is safe. The final decision is yours even if your child is unhappy.

5 Reasons Kids Trust Open-Minded Parents




Other Popular Articles You Might Like:

Child Discipline Tips - How to Discipline Kids without Arguments

10 Biggest Listening Mistakes by Parents with 35 Simple Solutions


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With warm wishes,  

Jean Tracy, MSS


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        3. If either side is becoming disrespectful say, "Let's make a future date, when we are both calm, to discuss 101 Ways to Get Your Children to Cooperate

Unleash Your Child's Success with These 9 New Mindsets - Gift


2 Conversations Can Help Your Kids
Develop Successful Attitudes.


ENVISION YOUR CHILD’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS HELPED BY 9 NEW MOTIVATING IDEAS.  You can plant those ideas with 2 conversations about positive attitudes.

First Conversation - Your Child's Inner Self-Talk

Just like you, children everywhere have conversations in their heads. Their inner conversations can sow seeds of discouragement, “I never do anything right,” or sprout growth, “I love learning new things.” Let's find out how to turn their internal chats into positive mottoes.

Second Conversation - Your Parent/Child Discussions

Talk with your child about the power of positive thinking and the importance about being curious. Let her know that her outlook will greatly determine whether she succeeds or fails. Why? Because the thoughts in her head influence her feelings and become self-fulfilling prophecies. Discuss how she can become a successful thinker  by sharing the 9 self-talk sayings in this parenting gift.

Dad and Daughter Deposit
It's Never to Early to Talk about Attitudes


Ask your children which saying is best one for repeating often. Better yet see if they can create a self-fulfilling one-liner of their own. Rhymes are easier to remember. Post the one that fits best.

Great posting places include the fridge, a bulletin board, a bedroom door and a bathroom mirror.

Note on Fridge Self-Talk 600
Posting Positive Attitudes
Become Eye-Candy Reminders


Be sure to save these 9 curiosity mottoes in your 3-hole binder. Revisit them whenever you need to discuss motivation with your child.

Enter Code:  CURIOSITY at https://www.KidsDiscuss.com  

Boy with thinking finger

Download Your Parenting Gift Now


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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10 Ways Parents Listen that Kids Love


Hispanic Family
Listening is the Key to Family Closeness

IF YOU’RE A BUSY PARENT AND YOU KEEP SAYING to your child, "I don't have time to talk," or “Not now,” there could be some parenting consequences.

Not having time could send him the message, “You don’t count. What I’m doing is more important than you are.” Of course, it’s not what you mean but it could be the message he receives. What can you do?

In our parenting video today, the first big tip deals with your lack of time. Let’s say you really can’t talk because you’re on an important phone call. Say, “Just a moment” to the caller. Tell your child when you can talk with him by saying something like, “Give me 15 minutes. Then, let’s talk.”

By your following through, your child will learn 2 things:

  1. Waiting is not the end of the world.
  2. Trusting you to keep your word is worth it.

You are the most important person in your child’s life. Giving him time to talk increases his love for you because your attention and approval are what he seeks.

Watch our video, Top 10 Listening Tips for Busy Parents, and get all the parenting strategies for listening well. They’re easy. They’re short. They work. https://youtu.be/FDfILglXoyw


 Feel free to scroll down beneath the video and copy the 10 tips.

One more thing, leave a comment on YouTube and let me know what you think of the video.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Have a Headstrong Child? Get 12 Simple Parenting Solutions


Mother Child Chats
Power Struggles with
Can Be Solved!

RAISING OPEN-MINDED CHILDREN takes a few parenting skills you can easily learn.

Today's FREE parenting giveaway includes 12 ways to deal with a stubborn child.


Here are a few of the problems you will find with the parenting answers you'll want to solve:

How to overcome power struggles with children

How to relax during a parent/child argument

How to turn your parenting criticisms into compliments

How to overcome controlling behavior

How to bond with your uncooperative child

You’ll even receive tips for getting kids to do their chores!

If this FREE parenting gift is something you want, please insert the code word:


at:  http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp

then download and start enjoying a

better relationship with your determined child.

Dad and Son SMALL
You CAN Help Your Child
Become a
Flexible Thinker!

Once you download this parenting gift, consider adding it to a binder to refer to whenever you need it.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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7 Top Attitudes Parents Teach Kids in a Loving Home

Mother and Daughter Hug 900
Family Love Helps Kids Grow


LOVE IS THE ANSWER FOR CREATING A HAPPY HOME and respect is its key. Today we'll offer you a brief YouTube Video sharing the 7 best mindsets to instill in your children. It will tell you why they're the best with special pictures to match.


If you're a little disappointed in your children's attitudes and don't know what to focus on to turn them around, this video can help. 


If you feel you are doing a good job and want to be sure, view this video. Pat yourself on the back for every healthy attitude you are boosting in your children.


If you don't have children yet but plan to, checkout this video and decide what you want to teach your children.


Finally, if you disagree with the ideas in this video or would like to add your own to the list, let me know by commenting below. I will reply to you.






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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Can Parents Raise Non-Materialistic Kids?

Dad with Presents cropped more 700
Is Materialism the Key to Your
Child's Happiness?


IF YOU'RE TEACHING YOUR KIDS THAT MONEY, TOYS, AND PRESENTS are the keys to happiness, are they happy? If you're fighting materialism in your home, is it working? 

You CAN nurture generosity over greed. Consider watching our brief video and picking up the parenting tips with questions you need.

It offers ways for your kids to think more deeply about materialism. It won’t promote shame or guilt either.

Toward the end of this video,

How Parents Discuss Materialism with Kids

you'll find four powerful ideas that really do lead to happier lives. They don't cost a penny either.

Below the video you’ll also find the script to use with your loved ones. Feel free to copy it and add it to your binder to use whenever you need it.

Happy Family SMALL
Teach Your Kids What's Really Important!


Enjoy raising children who value the things that really matter.


Now please watch:

 How Parents Discuss Materialism with Kids



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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift for Creative Parents – Children's Poem to Discuss



Sunshine Girl Brighter
You Can Help Your Child Choose "The Bright Side"


NEGATIVE THINKING IS A DARK CLOUD THAT HOLDS US BACK from making friends, hurts our chances of success, and makes us feel gloomy. Positive thinking, is a light and cheerful feeling that attracts friends, success, and feels happy. 

Use this creative discussion poem with your children to let go of hopeless thoughts and embrace positive thinking.

In just 4 short stanzas you'll discover topics to discuss like:

  1. Judging others. 
  2. Negative thoughts. 
  3. Moaning and groaning. 
  4. Excuses, blaming, acting cross.

Each verse reinforces solutions to negative behaviors like:

  1. Expanding your heart.
  2. Smiling and laughing.
  3. Being kind and cheerful.
  4. Encouraging others.

Discuss this poem as a friendly chat 

Find out your child's thoughts by asking:

  1. What do you think about judging others to bring them down?
  2. How do you think negative thoughts push others away?
  3. How do moaning and groaning poison people's minds?
  4. How do excuses, blaming and active cross affect family and friends?
  5. Would you like to live on the "bright side?" Why? 

Pick up your poetry gift - "On the Bright Side"  and Insert the code:



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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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