Empathy Training for Kids - 8 Simple Parenting Discussions

Asian Girl Smiles SMALL
Kids Understand Feelings When Parents Help

THIS PARENTING GIFT HELPS CHILDREN EXPERIENCE EMPATHY. It includes 8 discussion questions for building character through friendly chats.

Consider discussing a new question once each week because it will give your child time to reflect and practice caring skills. Dinners, car rides, and bedtimes are perfect for these discussions. Use words like:

1. Would you explain a little more? 

2. I like how you think.

3. How did you come to think that way?

4. Do you have any examples?

5. How do your thoughts match your actions? 

Don’t lecture your child on what to think. Rather, find out what he thinks and why. Accept his ideas without arguing. You can add your thoughts later by also answering the questions in today's gift.

Remember, if you force your ideas, your child may get stubborn and rebel against them.

Black Boy Mouth SMALL
Friendly Chats Help Kids Care about Others


Pick up 8 Discussion Questions: 

Insert the code word EMPATHY at KidsDiscuss.com and start building character today. 

Imagine your feelings when your child cares about others and treats them with respect. You'll know you're parenting well and that your discussions are powerful.

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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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How Loving Families Promote Self-Esteem - a SlideShare Activity


Slideshare Happy Family Compliments

Many busy parents want fun-loving activities for building character and raising caring children. This brief SlideShare gives parents an easy way to teach kids to notice the good in each other. When youngsters are trained to search for, remember, and tell each other compliments, everybody wins.

Those who receive praise love hearing it. Those who give praise develop a positive mindset toward others. Positive thinkers live happier lives. They attract friendships and spread good will to others.

It is hoped that this activity will lessen tattling, blaming, and whining.

Below this SlideShare you can copy the short script to use as a guide. I suggest you add it to a binder to use whenever you need it.

Please watch it and share it on your social media sites.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: 7 Kind Comments Boost Family Harmony

Asian Family SMALL

 If you want to encourage family unity, give genuine praise. Here's a weekly practice that each family member can easily do. Once a week each parent and child puts his name in a small box. Place it in the middle of the dinner table. Each member picks a name and tells what positive behavior they noticed in that person during the past week.

Put your family's names in a small box.


In this parenting gift you will find 7 honest compliments given by each member of a family team. Read them aloud to use as an example of what to say to each other.

Ask your family if they’d like to do this activity once a week. Vote on which day is best for everyone. Then make it a habit.

I suggest you put this family gift idea in a binder to use as a reminder for making your excellent family even greater.

Pick it up by inserting the word:



Kids Discuss




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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Gift: Poetic Advice Child Leaders Must Learn

Bossy Leadership Poem
Learn the Secret to Becoming a Child Leader

NATURAL BORN CHILD LEADERS NEVER HEAR THIS, “You’re not the boss of me!” A child with leadership skills knows the secret within in our poem today. He knows bossiness doesn’t work. He also knows what the pushy child doesn't understand but can easily learn.

A True Leader

I remember a boy in elementary school named, Robert, who possessed this special ability. It worked so well that his fellow students made him their class president year after year.

When Robert entered a newly constructed high school, he became the student body president 3 years in a row. Today, I’ll share his secret with you through our simple poem.

Poetry Gift Includes:

This poetry gift comes with pictures and words to show what doesn’t work if your child wants to be a leader. The solution in the poem is easy and is the number one leadership skill your child must learn.

Who Can Be Leaders?

Can a shy child become a leader? Certainly! In fact, it may be easier for a shy child to come out of his shell than for a loud bossy kid to tone down his behavior.

What Is the Secret to Successful Leadership?

If you think the answer is “Listening” that’s only part of the answer. It all starts with a special kind of question.

Find out what that question is by downloading our gift at http://kidsdiscuss.com/subscriber-gifts.asp and by inserting the word CARING

Consider adding this poem to your 3-hole notebook to help your child whenever he or she needs it.


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Gift: 7 Childhood Behaviors that Get Kids Rejected


Bossy Boy
 Bossy Kids Are Annoying

WHY ARE BOSSY KIDS REJECTED? You’ll find 7 troublesome behaviors to help you decide if your child is bossy and why children exclude him in this parenting gift.

Watch your child interact with other children. Does he irritate others by doing this?

Behavior #5:

Is He Someone Who Tells Others What to Do?

Here are 3 reasons bossiness doesn't work:

1. Both adults and youngsters dislike being told what to do especially when they aren’t asking for advice. Why? They have their own thoughts and their own answers to their problems and don’t want to feel pushed by someone else.

2. Bossy kids like to take control and order others to do what they think is best. This doesn’t work because they can’t possibly know the other child’s complete thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Naturally their advice will be faulty.

3. When pushy students use a demanding voice it annoys classmates. Again, children resent being commanded to do another kid's bidding.

The Bossy Solution 

Boy on phone
What do you want to do?

If telling others what to do is one of your child’s problems, suggest he listen, empathize, and ask what the other child wants to do about the situation. This will help him be included and not excluded because he cares more about the other child's solutions than giving his own advice.

To learn the other 6 actions that bossy children do to get themselves rejected, go to


and insert the code word: BOSSY.

Add this Parenting Gift to your 3-hole binder to use whenever you need it. Share it with your children too. It could help them choose more acceptable behaviors now and throughout their lives.


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Thank you so much.

With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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Parenting Video: How Bossy Kids Become Leaders

Boy angry SMALL
Teaching Your Bossy Child Leadership Skills

WHEN YOUR CHILD IS BOSSY, does he only care about getting his way? Perhaps he tells kids what to do or what to play. If so, he has the Bossy Kid Problem and you can help him change.

Bossy kids get rejected. It hurts your child and it probably hurts you too. Did you know you can turn your bossy child into a good leader?

Research tells us there are 7 leadership traits your child can learn. Imagine role-playing this one technique, active listening, with your youngster. Of course, you’d want to share these ideas first:

3 Facts Your Strong-Willed Child Needs to Know:

1. Kids care about themselves, their own ideas, and activities.

2. Children don’t want to hear you brag or tell them what to do.

3. When you ask questions and listen to them, it makes them feel good.

First Leadership Behavior - Listen Actively

Explain to your student, “After you ask another child about himself and he’s finished talking, prove you listened.” He may ask, “How?”

Tell him, “It’s easy. All you need to do is repeat the last part of the other child’s words. This helps the other kid remember where he left off and makes it easy for him to keep talking. He’ll love it.”

Role-Play Active Listening

Listen to your child. Repeat part of his last sentence. Listen some more. When he’s finished ask how he felt and then point out how you repeated some of his words and how he continued speaking. Next have him try it by listening to you.

Role-play until it becomes a habit in your home. It will help him practice this listening technique with others. Kids won’t call him, “Bossy.” He may even become a trusted leader because he cared about listening to them.

Watch this brief video, to get all 7 leadership tips for your child.


Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel to receive my parenting tips' videos as soon as they are posted. http://bit.ly/1oCOABv 


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With warm wishes, 

Jean Tracy, MSS


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4 Best Steps for Parents to Help Kids Develop Friendship Skills

Raise Happy Kids. Teach Friendship Skills.


Years ago as a child counselor, I observed a 12-year-old girl in her classroom. Besides an awkward self-conscious walk and no eye contact, she refused to answer her teacher's questions.

This girl acted oddly and had no friends. She hated school.

No one wants their child to suffer by not fitting in. No parent wants their child to be friendless or to hate school.

Parents, stop worrying! You can teach your children how to make friends.

In today's article you'll get the 4-step method, 7 friendship skills to role-play, and 5 no-cost rewards.

First, Watch our YouTube Video, Parents and Kids Discuss 4 Ways to Learn Social Skills.

It outlines the 4 steps.

Second, you'll be directed to the article for more detail on helping your child.


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Read our article with its step-by-step details to:

  • Help your child make friends
  • Receive 7 friendship skills 
  • Get 5 non-material bonding rewards

Go to:

4 Best Ways to Teach Social Skills



Pick up our Social Skills Kit

Kd011_Social Skills Kit

Available at KidsDiscuss.com


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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Parenting Tips: 6 Friendship Skills to Help Your Child Make Friends

If You're Raising a Lonely Child, could learning Friendship Skills help him? Certainly!

Boy, sad
Lonely Kids Don't Have Friends

Now you can coach your child on how to make exactly what he needs - FRIENDS.

Imagine your child complaining, "I don't want to go to school, EVER! You ask, "Why?"

"Nobody Likes Me. Everybody hates me."

At school and in the neighborhood he's tried using:

1. Sarcasm to appear clever. Kids' feelings were hurt and they walked away.

2. Bragging to appear important. Kids' didn't like feeling 'less than' so they avoided him.

3. Silence and they ignored him.

You love your child and want to help. 


How Can Parents Help Kids Make Friends?

CB 4 Friends Pin
Let's Find Out How!


Rubber Band Ruby Learns to Play Other Kids’ Games

CB 4 Friends Rubber Band Ruby Pin
Ruby Stopped Pouting and Started Playing


Eyeball Eddie Learns Direct Eye Contact

CB 4 Friends Eyeball Eddie
Eddie Put on a Happy Face with Direct Eye Contact


Upbeat Betty Learns This Social Skill for Making Friends


CB 4 Upbeat Betty Pin
Betty Learned that Kids Love to Hear Their Own Names


Bentley the Braggart Needs to Give Praise


CB 4 Bentley the Braggart.jpg Pin
Bentley Turns from Being Self-Centered to Other-Centered


Ice Breaker Brenda Learns This Communication Skill


Ice-Breaker Brenda Pin
Brenda Learns What Kids Love to Talk About


Nail Biting Nate Learns To Take a Breath


CB 4 Nail Biting Nate Pin
Nate Learns How Breathing Calms Him Down So He Can Talk


Pick up All 20 of These Friendship Skills with Stories, Activities, and  Self-Talk Rhymes!


CB 4 Friendship Skills

Available at: http://bit.ly/QoJDgi


After you watch the video I hope you will "like" it, share it, and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more parenting tips and videos.


YouTube: Short Video - 6 Parenting Tips for Making Friends mp4 http://bit.ly/1iW8g0P



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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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Boost Your Children's Brains with These 3 Simple Games

Great face of African Toddler
Preschool Games Make Brain Connections!

Could your young children improve their brain connections? "Absolutely!" says our parenting skills expert, Dr. Sally Goldberg, author of Make Your Own Preschool Games.Today she'll share the importance of 5 senses. You'll see the list of areas in which she includes 12 games each and you'll find 3 sample games to see how easy it is for you to use them.

Dr. Sally knows all learning comes through the senses. When you teach children through sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch you create wonderful brain connections. Since so much of the brain develops before the age of 5, it is important to start young.

Game Categories in Make Your Own Preschool Games that Include 12 Games Each:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Science
  3. Social Studies
  4. Gross-Motor Development
  5. Fine-Motor Development
  6. Midline Development
  7. Social Skills
  8. Art
  9. Music
  10. Drama
  11. Reading
  12. Writing
  13. Listening
  14. Speaking

I like how she lists the name of each game with its page number in the back of the book. Dr. Sally recommends writing down the name of each game with its page number on 3X5" cards, shuffle them, and have your child choose which game to play.

3 Sample Games for Boosting Your Youngsters Brain Power

1. This Mathematics Game Teaches about Measurement:

Use a ruler to measure straight objects like a table, shelf, book, window, and door. This teaches preschoolers that different objects can have different lengths. You can also teach, inches, feet, and centimeters. It's so easy.

2. This Science Game Teaches the Care of Plants:

Buy 3 little identical plants. Put them where your child can water them. Water them 2 times a week. Ask your child to guess how each plant will do when they are watered with different solutions. 

   1.) Water

   2.) Coca-cola

   3.) Milk

Discuss the results and which solution is best for watering plants.

3. This Social Studies Game Tells The Story of the Day: 

This develops your child's memory. Use it at bedtime. Begin with "Once upon a time...to tell what actually happened in your child's day. You can take turns telling different events. Feel free to stop and discuss any event especially if it teaches a lesson like honesty.


If you can imagine playing these games together, feeling happy to be with each other, and watching your child expand his brain connections, then know that you are making learning fun. When your child measures with a ruler, waters plants, or tells his nightly story, he'll become more alert to the sizes of things, the plants around him, and what is happening during his day. What an excellent outcome! I recommend Make Your Own Preschool Games to all parents, daycare owners, preschool teachers, and homeschool parents.


Join me in THANKING Dr. Sally for sharing 3 of her 168 games with us today. She's knows what your children's young brains need and how to help you give it to them.

Dr. Sally Goldberg

 Dr. Sally Goldberg

Pick up Make Your Own Preschool Games: A Personalized Play and Learn Program

Make Your Own Preschool Games

Available on Amazon.com


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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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Friendship Skills to Boost Your Child's Happiness


CB 4 Friendship Skills
Friends Make Me Happy!

 If you want to raise happy childen, teach them friendship skills. The good news is friendless youngsters can now learn exactly what to do. My new kindle book, Character Building Stories: Friendship Skills for Raising Happy Children + 75 Parenting Tips helps your kids get exactly what they want - FRIENDS!

Each character building story includes a cartoon character with a typical friendship problem. The character learns a simple social skill, motivating self-talk, and shows your child how to make friends.

Here's a Peek at 5 of the 20 Friendship Skills:

1. The Friendly Stretch - Rubber Band Ruby discovers the 'give-and-take' she must practice. If she doesn't stretch, she'll end up all alone.

2. The Eyeball Tactic - Eddie learns the power of eye contact as well as being a good sport.

3. The Laughter Law - Funny-Bones Fanny overcomes her fear of the spotlight and learns the power of humor for making friends.

4. The Upbeat Booster - Betty learns how to encourage others by encouraging herself.

5. The Praising Principle - Bentley, the Braggart, changes his focus and his words to gain the friends he longs for.

These social skills teach your children what they need for developing a friendlier personality that boosts confidence and attracts friends.

How Friendship Skills Promote Emotionally Intelligent Children:

You can raise your children's emotional intelligence with each story's discussions questions to:

. See things from another child's point of view

. Learn how to use a person's own name to grab their attention

. Notice and praise the good points in classmates

. Become a leader by thinking of fun things other kids like to do

. Find out the power of body language for attracting friends

Watch your  son or daughter put these these insights and skills into practice. And if they tell you what they really feel, you might hear them say, "I'm so happy."

Pick up Character Building Stories: Friendship Skills for Raising Happy Children + 75 Parenting Tips

  CB 4 Friendship Skills 

Available at Amazon.com

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With warm wishes,

Jean Tracy, MSS

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